
Astrology: What November and December bring us!

Photo: Drew Tilk/Unsplash

Are you interested in what the planets bring us? What can we expect until the end of 2021 in terms of what is happening between the planets.

Already in early November fresh energy awaits us, which will encourage us to explore in depth. Exploring ourselves.

Initiating some changes can be challenging, but valuable and lead to great transformation. Because Venus enters Capricorn and brings favorable energy in the field of love and prosperity.

Each of the planets has a different influence on our life. Photo: Bryan Goff/Unsplash

An important and big event will happen by the end of 2021 in the field of astrology - lunar eclipse in the sign of Taurus November 19, which brings intense romantic and financial issues, as well as emotional outbursts and arguments.

In the middle of December, when Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury enters Capricorn, it is a time of adventure, the search for truth and inner motivation.

Believe in yourself! Photo: Robert Zunikoff / Unsplash

If we channel all this energy into our career, great progress is possible.

Retrograde Venus indicates that some may face problems in love, and such a period will last until December 19. This is the period when you need to set clear boundaries for yourself!

Enjoy and make the most of the influences of the moon, planets and stars!

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