
10 great tricks to reduce fuel consumption in your car

Photo: Envato

Fuel prices are rising again and transportation is becoming an ever-increasing expense. However, if you drive smart, maintain your car regularly, you will use less fuel and at the same time extend the life of your car. Here are 10 ways you can reduce fuel consumption without driving less than usual.

1. Pay attention to the tire pressure

Tire pressure is a very important element, so check it regularly and adhere to the prescribed level. You will save up to five percent of fuel. Tires with too low pressure cause more consumption because they have more rolling resistance.

2. Regularly replace consumable parts in the car

Regularly change engine oil, dirty spark plugs, clogged filters, etc., as this reduces fuel consumption. Car maintenance can save as much as four percent of fuel.

3. Free running

Do not leave the car idling. Turn off the engine if you see that you will be standing somewhere for more than a minute, for example at a traffic light in large convoys. This way, you will save more fuel, because the car, although stationary, also consumes fuel while idling.


4. Reduce heating / cooling in the car

If you are driving short distances, do not turn on the heating in the car. On longer distances, the heating should be at lower temperatures. Heating with air conditioning can increase your consumption by about three percent. The same goes for cooling.

5. Bad tires use more fuel

Choose quality tires. Although they are more expensive, it pays off in the long run as tires affect the movement of the car. Due to bad tires and thus difficult movement on the asphalt, the car can consume more energy - gasoline.

6. Remove the bracket from the roof

If you have a roof rack on your car, remove it when you don't need it. If the vehicle is not aerodynamic, it consumes about five percent more fuel. Likewise, open windows when driving above 50 km/h create resistance and increase consumption.

7. Reduce the weight of the car

If the car is lighter, it will use less fuel because it will need less energy to move. If your car is a warehouse, get rid of unnecessary luggage. Also, don't fill the tank to the top because the car will gain weight there as well. Consumption increases by one to two percent for every 50 kilograms.

8. Pay attention to engine speed

Reduce speed. For example, the ideal economy speed is between 75 and 90 km/h with the transmission set to fifth gear. Make sure the engine rpm is 2000 for diesel cars or 2500 for petrol engines.


9. Accelerators consume 20 percent more

Drive more calmly with as little braking and acceleration as possible, as sudden accelerations use more than 20 percent of fuel compared to more relaxed driving. Follow the situation ahead and let off the gas before braking.

10. Maintain speed with cruise control

The cruise control is convenient when saving, as it maintains a constant speed, which is very important when saving fuel. But this only applies to straight road or downhill. Do not use it uphill as this increases fuel consumption.

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