
How many degrees should the underwear be washed at to effectively destroy all bacteria?

This is the best temperature for washing underwear

Photo: envato

Do modern technologies enable hygienic cleanliness of underwear at lower temperatures? Are high temperatures really necessary for effective removal of microorganisms on underwear? at what degree should underwear be washed?

Wash underwear at the optimum temperature is very important. They are in the past Underwear boiled, which would be equivalent to washing in a washing machine at 90 degrees, which was considered an effective method of disinfection.

Washing at high temperatures was considered a reliable way to remove bacteria and microorganisms and to prevent possible infections. However, with the modern development of detergents, washing machines, alternatives have started to appear.

Correctly selected washing temperature underwear it has a crucial impact on its hygiene, comfort and durability.

How do you wash your underwear? Photo: Rodolfo Clix / Pexels

The optimal washing temperature, which is recommended between 60 °C and 75 °C

It is designed to effectively remove bacteria, mites and other microorganisms that accumulate on fabrics over time.

Washing at 60 degrees prevents the reproduction of bacteria. Washing temperature at 40 degrees it makes clothes clean and fresh, but bacteria can still remain. Bacteria only disappear at the washing temperature 90 degrees Celsius.

Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for colors and fabric types!

Sorting your laundry according to these parameters and using gentle detergents are key, as they contribute to maintaining the quality of the fabrics and prevent potential damage.

Always look at the label underwear, the recommended washing temperature is written on it. The underwear manufacturer knows exactly at what temperature the item can be washed. Washing at higher temperatures can cause underwear to stretch, fade or lose shape more quickly.

Dry it gently. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

After washing is recommended gently hang the laundry or lay it on a flat surface. In this way, we not only maintain hygiene, but also extend the life of the clothes, preserve the colors and ensure comfort when wearing them.

The development of modern detergents and washing machines enables effective cleaning even at lower temperatures, which can have a positive effect on the durability of fabrics.

According to the NHS (National Health Service of Great Britain) underwear more often than other clothes contains traces of feces or bacteria. For this reason, they recommend washing high-risk items such as underwear on high temperatures of 60 °C. This is generally the temperature that kills bacteria and germs in the washing machine, reducing the risk of infection.

Lightly soiled underwear can be washed at lower temperatures.

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