
Attract money: when buying a wallet, pay attention to its color!

Attract money: when buying a wallet, pay attention to its color!

If you want to bring abundance into your life, then pay attention to the color of your wallet. There are 5 colors, and each of them is perfect for a certain type of person - depending on which element is in the Chinese horoscope.

You want boom in the financial field? Then pay attention to what kind of wallet you have money in. This one should be in one of the five feng shui colors. Which one is perfect for you depends on which one is yours element in the Chinese horoscope. You can see which one it is here.
Now that you know what your element is based on your date of birth, find out color for your wallet, which will bring abundance into your life.

Do you want abundance? Then pay attention to the color of your wallet.
Do you want abundance? Then pay attention to the color of your wallet.

RED: For people whose element is fire or earth. This color has long been known to attract wealth and abundance. It neutralizes negative energy very quickly.

DARK BLUE: For people whose elements are wood or water. This color symbolizes abundance, but people born under the sign of fire or metal should not have this color.

BLACK: For people whose elements are wood or water. It will bring prosperity into life.

BROWN: For people whose element is earth or metal. Color brings wealth and is also the most common color of wallets. It should not be owned by people born under the sign of fire or water.

GREEN: For people whose elements are wood or fire. This color is a great choice if you want a new financial boost, regardless of what happened in the past.

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