
Landmarks that will end up under water due to global warming

World landmarks under water

What will happen to some of the tourist attractions if we don't stop global warming and curb rising temperatures? Many of the world's coastal landmarks will end up under water, and even before Atlantis is discovered, rising ocean levels will ensure that existing seaside locations are transformed into modern-day "Atlantis". Check out which famous cities are at risk of such a fate.

Global warming there is one thing in numbers, but a visual artist Nickolay Lamm us the consequences of rising temperatures and rising ocean levels displays plastic. What would some of the world's famous cities' attractions look like if the average temperature of the atmosphere increased by 2100 4.5 degrees Celsius? Most of the seaside places would end up under water and the famous streets of London, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai... we could only row.

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Fortunately, countries are not standing idly by and will commit to significant action at the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference reduction of greenhouse gas emissions between 2020 and 2030 (the desire yes to curb growth for 2 °C, but according to current proposals we are closer to a rise of 3.5 degrees Celsius), which is the first step towards not happening Lamm's script.

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