
On August 31st, the Blue Supermoon arrives and brings fateful changes for 4 signs

Blue Moon. Photo: Haylee Booth/Unsplash

A blue supermoon will appear in the sky on August 31st at 3:35 in the morning, i.e. on the night between Wednesday and Thursday.

Get ready for the extraordinary celestial event, as it is approaching rare blue supermoon. This unique astronomical phenomenon will started on August 31. It will bring a deep perception of fateful changes that can be reflected both in the sky and in our lives.

A blue supermoon is an extraordinary phenomenon that occurs when it is The Moon in its orbit closest to Earth, so we see it as extremely bright and large. This phenomenon happens three to four times a year. A blue moon is a phenomenon when as many as two full moons appear in one calendar month. That's when we get an extremely rare blue supermoon.

Finally, we had the opportunity to observe this spectacular phenomenon in 2009, and the next time this kind of blue super moon will appear yet August 2032.

Photo: Unsplash / Kym Mackinnon

We expect this astrological phenomenon to have an impact on all signs of the zodiac, especially since it occurs during the retrograde movement of six planets. Nevertheless, the influence of the four selected signs will be felt most strongly.


The Full Moon will bring emphasis to your career. You will set higher goals and ideals, and your creativity and rich ideas will be expressed. With Mercury retrograde as your ruler, you may feel uncertain about your concepts and visions right now. However, there will be days when you will develop a new perspective and gain the confidence to realize your ambitions and hopes.

A virgin

The Full Moon in Pisces will illuminate your seventh house of romantic relationships and partnerships. These periods are meant to fulfill expectations, hopes and dreams regarding the relationship. Despite your usual focus and ability to prioritize, Mercury retrograde will make this especially challenging in the coming days. Now is the time to let go of the pursuit of perfection and instead surrender to faith in the dynamics you have created with other people.

Find the good stuff in a super blue moon. Photo: George Dolgikh / Pexels


The Full Moon will illuminate your home and family life. New possibilities will arise for you that you had not even thought about before. Perhaps you will begin to think about changing your place of residence, or something will change in your family. It is possible that the relationship will end or be renewed, change its form. Your ability to see the bigger picture will be key. There will be days when you can look ahead with optimism.


This month is especially important for you, as the Moon will be in your sign. It will shine a light on the inner sides that you connect with the most and encourage you to prioritize the visions for your life. Although Mercury retrograde often causes confusion in your thinking, you deal with this with ease as you have a natural gift for thinking long term.

Now is the time, yes embrace your dreams and focus on your own vision regardless of the opinions of others. In the end, it's your life!

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