
What happens when falling in love with a partner subsides - is the love gone or never existed?

Photo: envato

What happens when the infatuation and intense emotions that overwhelmed us at the beginning of a relationship gradually dry up? Is this a sign that love is slowly disappearing, or is it just a natural transition in a relationship? Could it be that we have fallen in love with an illusion that is now being dispelled?

How to understand this phase when emotions become less turbulent and how it affects our relationship when falling in love goes? As the feelings gradually fade, the question arises, has the love fizzled out, or was it never there in the first place?

Falling in love brings a wave of euphoria, of intensity and excitement that temporarily overwhelms us. But like everything in life, this feeling cannot last forever. When it starts to disappear, we feel sad. The energy that drove us is waning, and the feeling that love may be fading grows stronger. Thus we find ourselves in a moment of loneliness, chilled by a reality that is no longer so attractive.

But reality is not always cold and dark. It just is what it is. If we surrendered to illusions and warmed ourselves by them, we have to face the fact that sooner or later the illusions will blow away.

Why? Because emotions are not love. They are not even an essential part of it. These feelings are more related to infatuation, which eventually passes. Therefore, calming these feelings is also in a sense healing. Although this experience can be unpleasant and off-putting, it has a purpose.

Photo: envato

So does falling in love mean the end of love?

As feelings slowly fade, we can find ourselves in a state of insecurity. Apathy and despair sets in. We begin to feel less desire to invest in the relationship, doubts about the future together become more and more commonplace.

We wonder if we might made a mistake, whether the emotions we invested were wrong. We grow weary of the effort a relationship requires, and at the same time we become cynical about what the future holds. It is also a clear sign that emotions are receding and it is time to face reality.

Photo: envato

Reducing emotions leads to poorer communication

Exchanges between partners become routine and lose depth. Gradually, we begin to run away from deep conversations and socialize less. We feel discontent, but we cannot pinpoint the cause. Instead of talking about our feelings with our partner, we keep them to ourselves. This gradual withdrawal can lead to frustration and resentment.

Emotional distance can also manifest itself in physical distance

When we distance ourselves emotionally, it can also be reflected physically. Sex becomes less frequent, affection declines. Physical distance is a clear sign of calming emotions.

We make more effort (or give it up)

Conflicts can arise as an attempt to solve problems, but at the same time they can escalate due to constant tension, criticism and negativity. Reducing emotions often leads to the latter type of conflicts, which do not bring constructive solutions. Sometimes let's just stop investing energy in disputes. This stems from less interest and the belief that we no longer have the energy to solve problems. When conflicts become more present than the sense of connection, and when conflicts even stop, it clearly shows that we have drifted apart. This is a sign that the time has come to take the situation seriously.

Photo: envato

Calming emotions and desire for freedom

We start thinking about what it would be like to be alone and we start looking at other people as potential partners. This is a completely natural response when we are looking for new possibilities. This does not necessarily mean the end of the current relationship, but expresses our desire to explore new paths.

Our partner gets on our nerves more and more

Those qualities that previously attracted us or were not annoying, now become irritating. This can be shown in the way he walks, laughs, eats or other habits. Often this is the result of unexpressed dissatisfaction, lack of emotional closeness and greater distance.

Does calming emotions mean the end of a relationship?

When we notice that feelings gradually fade, it is important to understand that this is a natural process after a period of being in love. There is no need to blame anyone, neither yourself nor your partner. This state can lead us to consider the end of the relationship, as this calming down can encourage serious thinking.

However, this does not necessarily mean the end of everything. We need to assess our mutual compatibility, values and goals in a long-term sense. This will guide us as to whether the relationship is worth fighting for and whether it is possible to form a solid and loving relationship out of this lull.

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