If you thought Sharknado, a sci-fi horror movie in which sharks rain down during a tornado, was the most bizarre movie ever, then you haven't seen the trailer for the horror comedy Sky Sharks. This time the sharks don't fall, but attack from the sky, equipped better than jet planes. And who manages them? Zombies, who?!
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
The timeless Olympus PEN-F camera got a successor. Decent, we can say from what we have seen. What the 911 is to Porsche, the PEN family is to Olympus. The original PEN-F camera was first released way back in 1963 and quickly became a bestseller with its beautiful yet simple design. Now, 53 years later, the PEN-F is back. The digital reincarnation or upgrade of the eponymous fifty-three-year-old is a mixture of a compact camera and a recognizable design that has accompanied Olympus for 80 years.
Are you curious about where luxury cars go to die? Like Eskimos into the wilderness? To a safe place like many wild animals? No. They are going to Dubai. Namely, there is one of the many car cemeteries, which is of course full of "wealthy people", as many prestigious cars drive through the streets of Dubai.
Mobile phones do not cause cancer! Feeling relieved? We were scared for a long time, the opinions of experts varied, but now we finally got a definite answer to a question that has puzzled us since the advent of mobile phones. Researchers from the Australian University of Sydney found no connection between cancer and mobile phone use. Still in doubt? They hold quite powerful cards in their hands.
Are you annoyed by a colleague, superior, maybe mother-in-law? What can you do to make it easier to get over a person who gets on your nerves? We meet many people every day and it is logical that some of them get on our nerves. What can you do to stop them from drinking your blood and make meeting them more bearable? Is it best to just avoid them, is it best to pretend? Neither one nor the other is the best solution. Here are three principles that will help you get over a person who gets on your nerves and with whom you want to have as little as possible to deal with.
Are you interested in which actors made it to the end in the movie? We are used to sex on the big screens and screens, but in contrast to pornographic films, most of the explicit scenes are played out. Most Hollywood films swear by "softcore", i.e. simulated sex, but despite this, the film industry offered quite a few films where the sex in front of the camera was somewhat real and not at all played out.
How about New Year's resolutions? Are you still diligently burning fat or have you already given up on yourself? We're not here to judge and accuse you of a lack of willpower (let he who is without sin cast the first stone), but rather offer you a brilliant app that will motivate you to get your ass off the couch and move more. Sweatcoin is a new application that turns steps into money!
Do you know what are the most famous stereotypes about Slovenians? What are Slovenians like as a nation? In the eyes of foreigners, we are friendly and open people, but somewhat reserved. We consider ourselves modest and hardworking people. We consider ourselves great drivers and great drinkers. We are also proud of our envy. Why else the phrase "enviable"?
Music heals, improves mood and motivates. When you're bored or unmotivated at work, put on your headphones and listen to music that will lift your mood, so that the time at work will pass faster and easier.
If you're vegan and one of the hardest things you've had to give up is pudding, or starch cake as it's properly called, then the vegan chocolate pudding recipe is perfect for you. It is just as delicious as the one with milk and eggs. You only need three ingredients to make a fresh pudding, and none of them are chocolate!
Cell is a novel by the American writer Stephen King, a master of horror stories who has been giving readers and viewers goosebumps with his works for decades. Now, his bloodiest literary proposal has been made into a movie, joining the likes of Carrie, Redemption Penitentiary and The Green Mile. The latest adaptation of his work stars John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson, who are among the few people who have not been ruled by cell phones.
All the biggest villains in the movies had special chairs that further emphasized their evil. If you want to have such a piece at home, we suggest that you consider the armchair by the Parisian designer Gregory Besson, who made an armchair in the shape of a skull. To sit or not to sit in it, that is not the question here!