
Actors who went all the way in the movie: real sex between actors

Are you interested in which actors made it to the end in the movie? We are used to sex on the big screens and screens, but in contrast to pornographic films, most of the explicit scenes are played out. Most Hollywood films swear by "softcore", i.e. simulated sex, but despite this, the film industry offered quite a few films where the sex in front of the camera was somewhat real and not at all played out.

Most movies today don't go by without at least one sex scenes. When we listen to how the film industry shoots such scenes, it goes anything but for pleasure. But some actors say that they played such scenes with ease. Reason?

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: Bad Moms (2016)

Many sex scenes in the Hollywood movie were not played.
Many sex scenes in the Hollywood movie were not played.

They actually went all the way in front of the camera and they didn't play the scene and they had sex, while the cameras were rolling. In the history of Hollywood, there have been quite a few such films in which there was no pretense when it came to sex. One of the last high-profile cases in which it was about real sex between actors, is a Lars von Trier film titled A nymphomaniac, and we release the rest to you in the attached video collage.

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