Kamnik was chosen by Boots, a British retailer of body care products and medicines, as one of the locations for its Christmas-themed TV ad. You will recognize him at the very beginning of the spot, which is more fairy-tale than Coca-Cola's Christmas spot.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Monsieur Barbier consists of a cute wooden stand for men's shaving accessories and a smartphone (which is also a natural sound amplifier) and a shaving kit. It is intended for everyone who enjoys shaving and would like some music along with it. A great gift for shaving enthusiasts that you get on Kickstarter.
Ario is a smart lamp that has a positive effect on our health, as it not only emits light, but also imitates natural light patterns. We used to wake up and sleep according to the sun. But today we no longer live outside. And since the daily cycle of light and dark is a kind of metronome by which our body and mind work/rest, and the influence of light on the biological rhythm and health of a person is tremendous, and we are completely out of rhythm, something had to be done. And the smart lamp Ario happened, which imitates the color and power of natural light.
Hide and Seek is a photo series that summarizes life in the digital age in one photo. It is a project by photographer Kamil Kotarba, who erased people from scenes from everyday life, leaving only their hand holding a smartphone. With surrealistic scenes, he draws attention to the negative effects that mobile devices have on our lives. Shocking!
Everyone can drink wine. But, do you know how to drink it properly? In order for you to master the art of drinking wine, we have prepared some useful tips for you to perfect the art of wine drinking. Wine is a noble drink, so we must treat it as such. It starts at the right temperature, continues with the selection and correct holding of the glass... Here is a small school of proper wine drinking.
You will be able to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Queen together with The Bohemians, a Queen tribute band to which Brian May, the guitarist of the original line-up, also gives a nod. If you want to relive this famous British group on this bohemian rhapsody to the sounds of hits such as "Radio Gaga", "We Are the Champions", "Somebody to Love", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Don't Stop Me Now" and "We Will Rock You", which will resonate on December 5, 2015 in Cirkus, simply cannot be missed. Tickets are already on sale.
Flying has always fascinated man, and with jet packs, this ancient desire has come true. Now the sky is the only limit. Check out what the Jetman Dubai group and Emirates airline have cooked up, as they filmed a (too) cheeky video in which pilots Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet join the Airbus A380 over Dubai. A video that will take your breath away.
Raking leaves is as much a part of fall as shoveling snow is part of winter. Quite often, Sisyphus' task honestly gets on many people's nerves. For all such, there is great news. Raking leaves is actually unnecessary and to some extent even harmful (not to people, but to the Earth)! Just like you shouldn't make your bed, you shouldn't rake leaves. There is a legitimate reason (it has nothing to do with your laziness) why you can leave the leaves alone in the garden without feeling guilty.
Chocolate mousse made from only two ingredients is the simplest recipe for a chocolate dessert that will totally hook you up! If you already have chocolate at home, you can prepare it right away!
Did you know that Disney based many of its cartoons on real places, and that places you thought only existed in the fairy-tale world are actually "flesh and blood" places with real names? Here are 18 real-life locations that inspired Disney cartoons.
Criminal Activities is an American crime drama in which Jackie Earle Haley, who has an enviable acting career, made his camera debut. Among other things, he performed the famous Freddy Krueger. This time too, he jumped ahead, but left the main role to John Travolta as a gangster and a naive four high school friends (Dan Stevens, Michael Pitt, Christopher Abbott and Rob Brown) whose lives are turned upside down by a foolish investment.
The video game Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment) has grown into a real social phenomenon in 21 years (1994), so it is logical that the film adaptation of this video game franchise is so highly anticipated. From computer screens, the epic adventure moves to the big screen in June 2016, when we will return to the time of the outbreak of war between humans and orcs. The burden of the (unrealistically) high expectations of the film was borne by Duncan Jones, who had previously proven himself with the films Luna and Source Code.