The self-inflating Basic House is probably the most mobile shelter out there. It is made of rescue or astrofoil and offers you a safe shelter wherever you are.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Will you be joining the thousands at the start line of the Wings for Life World Run 2017, the fourth consecutive global running event? This year, the world for those who can't will run on May 7, 2017. Last year, we ran 1,255 million kilometers of hope and collected 6.6 million euros in donations. Can we beat these numbers this year?
Photographer Claus Lucas, unlike other photographers, did not put classic models in front of his photographic lens, but rather live models were replaced by Barbies and Keni. And a series of erotic photos Sense of Guilt was created, which will make you feel as uncomfortable as watching a David Lynch movie.
The goofy anti-hero Deadpool is returning to the big screen next year in Deadpool 2. This too will be R-rated due to profanity and gory action scenes. Watch the first trailer for the much-anticipated sequel.
Vas že nekaj čas ni bilo pošteno strah? To se bo po ogledu filma Zbeži! (Get Out) spremenilo. Film, ki je navdušil na skrivni polnočni projekciji festivala neodvisnega filma Sundance, zdaj prihaja tudi na reden spored. Srhljivka, ki ni tipična predstavnica svojega žanra, mojstrsko stopjuje napetost in občutek, da nekaj ni v redu.
Marikateri programmer grew up with programming and has it in his little finger. Not Masako Wakamiya, but at the age of 81 she can easily compete with them. Get to know the incredible story of this unusual pensioner.
Half a year ago, Nike presented the first collection of sports bras for a stronger figure, and now it has presented the first collection of sportswear for a stronger figure.
Have you ever wondered how many calories you burn during sex? How many times have you shoved a carrot into your vagina? How fast did you penetrate? How long did the sex last? How many different positions have you taken this week, month, year? How successful are you compared to others? The i.Con smart condom serves you with all this information.
In less than a month, the 68th season of the Formula 1 World Championship under the auspices of the umbrella motoring organization FIA begins. The points drivers will clash for the first time on March 26, 2017 at the Australian Grand Prix, and the curtain will fall on the twentieth race of the season at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on November 26, 2017. There will be 11 teams in the title battle. Let's see what F1 cars Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Fernando Alonso and company will drive in the new season.
Remember the Kengoro humanoid robot that can do push-ups? Even Boston Dynamics has now moved its "athlete". Robot Handle is as agile as a gymnast and masters the art of parkour better than you ever will.
Attention coffee lovers! From now on, you will be able to spread coffee on bread! Yes, you read that right. The Snow Brand company has produced a coffee spread that you can spread on bread or toast like butter or dip your finger in like peanut butter or Nutella.
YouTube was activated on February 15, 2005. Since then, it has been destroying everything before it. Today, people watch over a billion hours of video content a day on this popular video sharing website. Put simply, if the content were played in one piece, it would take more than 100 thousand years to watch it. 100 thousand years ago, our ancestors migrated from Africa and made stone tools, and mammoths roamed the Earth.