
Basic House: a self-inflating house that you can put in your pocket

Basic House

The self-inflating Basic House is probably the most mobile shelter out there. It is made of rescue or astrofoil and offers you a safe shelter wherever you are.

All of you who like to go to the hills and caves, all travelers and campers, are probably well acquainted with double-sided metallized foil or astrofolio, which can be in case of bad weather of vital importance.

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Martin Azua made from this material self-inflating mobile home Basic House, which you can put in your pocket, and it expands to the size it provides comfortable and safe shelter. The isothermal foil has a double function. It heats and cools. The silver side protects against the cold, and the gold against the heat. Foil in this case reflects the scorching rays of the sun and absorbs body heat, while the silver part on the other hand also protects from moisture.

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