
Daydream: an innovative lounger for relaxation, where dreams are born

Daydream chaise longue

It has been proven that occasional daydreaming and visualizing concrete results enables a more successful career. Everyone likes to "crack down" and relax at some point, and when you have a comfortable lounger available for that, which allows you to curl up in it as your heart desires, all the better. Meet Daydream, the lounger where dreams are born.

Company Joynout has produced minimalist designed lounge chair, which invites you to relax and dream. Deck chair X-shaped he inspired infinity sign, but enables resting in any position.

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Daydream is perfect for letting your thoughts float away or put your brain to pasture.
Daydream is perfect for letting your thoughts float away or you put your brain to pasture.

Upholstered both chairs can be used at the same time two persons, which are facing each other, thus inviting interaction. From April 2017 will be available further in ten color combinations.

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