Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), yes, this Albuquerque, where the Breaking Bad series took place, hosts the largest balloon festival in the world every October, when hot air balloons swarm the air for nine days. As if the colorful colors of autumn leaves weren't colorful enough. It is a spectacle that is visited by more than 800 thousand people and is the scene of unforgettable scenes, such as this fresh timelapse that we have attached.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
You probably won't disagree with us when we say that the battle in the smartphone market is exhausting. Many models have experienced defeat, many are still there. Although the latter seems to be the case for the latest "soldier" from the Chinese company Oppo, the Oppo R5, this thinnest smartphone in the world, measuring only 4.85 millimeters in thickness, is bursting with power despite its (excessive) thinness and will offer serious resistance to competition.
Just as the radio did not give in to the video, the book to the Kindle, mechanical keyboards will not give in to virtual ones so quickly either, because they lack a key ingredient that is needed by all those who "cook" with words - writers. Feedback in terms of physical response. Until recently, this came with a considerable price, an inconvenience that does not coincide with the trend of mobile devices. But the new Logitech keyboard Keys-To-Go combines the best of both worlds.
Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, as we affectionately call them, are becoming an indispensable tool for people who want to create stunning footage, the kind of which we could only see in movies or documentaries a year or two ago, and behind which there was a camera crew and a ton of logistics. With the Hexo+ drone, which follows us automatically, all this is a thing of the past, because now it is possible to record jumps and similar shenanigans without any help.
Today, Samsung's mid-range mobile phones are not just stripped-down high-end models, as they are not far behind in terms of performance and are therefore suitable for more demanding users. Unlike those from the richer strata, they offer an excellent ratio between performance, quality and price, and the newcomers from the young Galaxy A family, the Galaxy A3 and A5, are living proof.
Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles are one of the fastest growing technological innovations, which are already used in many fields. Although we initially associated them with the military, they are increasingly being used for commercial and private purposes, where activity recording dominates, but Australia's Ars Electronica Futurelab has used them to create art. 3D creations, something between fireworks and a 90's screensaver, were created with these Spaxls.
Like tires on an icy road, iPads like to escape our control or grasp. But just as there are chains for cars, there is a MagBak for iPads, the thinnest holder that ensures the best possible grip on the tablet, which is also a holder for the car, table, wall, etc.
Alan Eustace, Google's vice president of the board, beat Austrian Felix Baumgartner's achievement in the state of New Mexico (USA) and improved the height jump record by a good kilometer and a half, thus moving the bar from 39,045 meters above sea level to 41,419, where he rose from by means of a helium balloon attached to the body and not by means of a capsule like Felix.
On October 31st, the Celts marked the end of the harvest season, and today this day promises a rich harvest of masks. Halloween or Halloween is a time for our weirdness to come to the fore (without turning out to be weird), which in adults is often reflected in creepy masks created with make-up.
As if you didn't already have enough reasons to visit London, the hotel offer is now enriched with hotel rooms inspired by Harry Potter. But once you've arrived at the airport, you won't have to look for platform 9 and ¾ to get to the rooms equipped like those on Bradavičarka, because they are not protected by spells from finding bunkrooms. They are on the map and at a known address: 35 - 39 St George's Drive, London.
Today, it's easy to underestimate the capabilities of Microsoft's Excel, a program originally designed for processing tables and spreadsheets. Although calculation and graphing tools may not seem to have much in common with painting tools, this member of the Office family also has an artistic streak. And some digital artists have proven that art and math have a lot in common. And yet, what haven't these artists heard of Photoshop?
Photographer Al Fenn was commissioned to prepare a photo essay for LIFE magazine about life with an American (tree) leopard, a smaller version of the South American tabby cat, domesticated in the 1960s (1961) by a couple from Manhattan (New York), Si and Meg Merrill . Back then, exotic animals such as leopards, chimpanzees and even kangaroos were allowed and very popular as pets.