
Halloween: the scariest and weirdest make-up masks

On October 31st, the Celts marked the end of the harvest season, and today this day promises a rich harvest of masks. Halloween or Halloween is a time for our weirdness to come to the fore (without turning out to be weird), which in adults is often reflected in creepy masks created with make-up.

Halloween, this one the scariest night during the year, it is no longer just entertainment for children, because then adults also have fun. If the children are dressed in more "easy" masks and costumes, the adults seek attention mainly with the characters they pick from horror movies.

READ MORE: Halloween: DIY geometric cardboard masks that you can print at home

So when witches and others scary creatures flood the world, we are safe from them only with smiling pumpkin. And if you come across a mask from our gallery, believe me, you'll probably want it to shine in your lobby.

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