Richard Williams, with the stage name Prince Ea, once again knocks on our consciousness with a rhyming message in the video "Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?" as ever surrounded by things that bring us closer together. But the screens began to change faces and the fullness of the battery replaced the fullness of life.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
The computer world is a living organism. It is constantly changing, progressing, gaining experience and improving. A computer year corresponds to ten human years. The next big thing is always here and as we have become dependent on computers, especially laptops, it is imperative that we keep up with the pace. What was good four months ago may be buried somewhere on the 11th page of Google today. That's why we've compiled a list of laptops and notebooks that are the crème de la crème of the moment.
Happiness is not a monolithic emotion, it is a combination of several factors and sometimes it is not the result of big, extraordinary things, but a mixture of details and coincidences that we come across and that bring out the most pleasant feelings. All too often we look for it in hard-to-reach places, but in truth we have it at every turn. And it's not just in someone else's smile or nice words, it's hidden in such banal sayings that you yourself will be surprised.
For some, the commitment "until death do us part" is quite enough. Then there's a couple from Great Britain who have pledged eternal fidelity to each other, even in the afterlife. In Great Britain, during the search for the lost chapel of St. Morrel archaeologists from the University of Leicester found the 700-year-old skeleton of a couple who went to the afterlife hand in hand.
Everyone sometimes feels nostalgic for their childhood, especially when they are not feeling well. And in the rush of emotions, nostalgia, which could also be called the good old days, dictates the pace. Although it basically means longing for something that was, especially pleasant, it doesn't necessarily have to bring up something bad, because there's no point in living in the past, but it's nice to recall childhood sometimes. And nothing will evoke it more than our photo gallery.
Renault filmed a "remake" or a parody - as you like - of the title scenes of the cult television series "Knight Rider", except that the role of the car was KITT. instead of Pontiac/Ford, the fresh Renault delivery truck Trafic was entrusted, and the role of the knight went to Michael Craftsman (Craftsman) instead of Michael Knight.
Some people like to walk on the edge, others on the slackline. The international Highline Meeting festival is a kind of mixture of both. It offers tranquility and at the same time a fair dose of adrenaline, as visitors here spend most of their time in hammocks stretched high above the ground in the Italian Alps.
Wireless networks, or in the global language, Wi-Fi, have been no longer a luxury for several years, but an everyday and almost necessary commodity. But in the exhalations of the previous millennium, they were still semi-science fiction. And who, if not the Californian computer wizard Steve Jobs, introduced the world to how it works. A hula hoop and Apple's magic gadget - the iBook laptop - and magic happened.
Pink October is the global month of fighting breast cancer - the most common cancer in women in our country and the most common malignant disease in women in the developed world - which Europa Donna, the association for the fight against breast cancer, will once again use to raise awareness, with which they want to draw attention to disease and emphasize the importance of timely detection. The best prevention? A healthy diet, adequate physical activity and a positive attitude.
Unveiled at the recent Munich Boat Show, the luxurious CRN J'Ade is the first of its kind to feature a floating garage. This 60-meter water beauty was designed with the idea of bringing people closer to the sea, so the panoramic "alley" of balcony windows is not surprising. But we say that if you are looking for heaven on earth, sorry, sea, you have found it. Do you have 45 million euros lying around?
Light has always been the source of life. We people built our days around her, let her into apartments and looked for her extensions when she left us. After the fire came the lamps, after the lamps the light bulbs, after the light bulbs the smart light bulbs and after the Stack Alba smart light bulbs. A smart bulb 2.0 that responds to changing conditions and provides ideal conditions without our management.
Humans have been consuming chocolate for thousands of years, but in the format that is most popular today, i.e. in the form of a bar, only since 1900. Due to social conditioning, thousands of myths have been woven around it, but they have as many stumps as chattering teeth. And since the kitchen and the studio studio are not so mutually exclusive - sometimes they are one and the same thing - in modern times, chocolate has become not only a work material but also an art material.