Water guns are cool. Even if they were originally intended for children, they turned every adult into an eleven-year-old. We imagine that we are a Terminator armed to the teeth, that instead of water it rains bullets. Hmmm... what if you could actually become a Terminator with a water-powered hand machine gun? Is there such a gun?
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Hoolywood has resurrected another historical figure, the great Moses. Another Old Testament story that has spilled over from the religious holy books into the holy book of Hollywood - the screenplay. And if Mount Sinai gave us the Ten Commandments, the Hollywood Hills gives us Christian Bale as Moses, Joel Edgerton as Ramses II and Ridley Scott as director. And also the first trailer for the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings.
Looks are deceiving - even when it comes to dogs. Even such large and powerful breeds can be more than suitable for families with small children, so it is a mistake to believe that they would pose any danger just because of their size. On the contrary, they can be very protective of small children, and as you will see below, just as love is not a race, it is not a breed either. Because love knows no obstacles.
This is no ordinary jet ski. It is a Rolls Royce among such water transport vehicles, which will probably create more waves of positive astonishment on some Internet than actual waves at sea. It's a luxury car, so comparing Strand Crafti's V8 Wet Rod to Rolls Royce's Phantom Coupé isn't just about looks.
Kirsi Enkovaara, a Finnish designer from London, researched the psychology of sitting after studying at the Royal College of Art and came to the conclusion that we are much more relaxed when we are sitting and lying down than when we are standing. That's why she wanted to create a chair that would be both safe and comfortable. And The Body was born, a malleable chair that bends its body and cultural norms of sitting.
No, this is not an unsalted joke. A car that leaves behind not octane fumes, but the smell of the sea (well, at least imaginary). Do not pour gasoline or diesel into it, nor salt water directly. Although such technology might be able to stop sea level rise. A bone to gnaw on, scientists?
In autumn, not only the leaves will fall from the trees, Slovenia will also drop from the list of countries where the American clothing store Gap does not have its stores. The franchise will be taken over by Magistrate International, and all three stores will be hosted by Ljubljana.
Imagination is a wild beast, unhappy if we keep it caged for fear of going wild. She needs a living space that knows no boundaries and is not limited to familiar perceptions, because only then will she be able to achieve something as extraordinary as John Wilhelm, a passionate digital artist and photographer who turned family photos into fairy-tale images.
Summer love usually ends with the end of vacation/vacation when everyone goes back to their own reality. The memories of it are mostly positive, because we tasted only the best part of it, the one without the bitter additives that time mixes into it. And if most of these loves are like pop music fads, the same can't be said for Tylorina, who stays with her as the eternal '80s tunes that drive this musical.
Sailboats are an "expensive luxury", so rarely anyone can afford them, but maybe the wind in your sails will give you the information that you no longer have to take out loans or deduct your entire property for them. And you won't have to pay for a mooring in the off-season, because Tiwal is 3.2. inflatable and you will be able to store it together with other summer equipment.
Licking and melting ice cream are like ass and shirt. They don't exist without each other, and while we'd rather see this icy king of desserts not melt, you have to take the good with the bad. But maybe melting isn't a bad thing at all, but just a way for ice cream to express itself artistically.
The real and virtual worlds are more and more a reflection of each other, and when we talk about augmented reality in the field of motoring, we automatically think of racing computer games, where the windshield is not obscured by vignettes but by various data. Now this is expanding from the virtual to the true reality, as Jaguar has moved the concept from the screens to its racing cars.