Obeta se nam zabava sezone. In kako bolje praznovati pomlad kot s Sladico, ki nas bo zopet popeljala na plesno popotovanje. Tokrat se bodo fantje osredtočili na devetdeseta. Dve plesišči, štirje gramofoni. Na eni strani plesišče z Zedsom ter Kpowom v glavnih vlogah, na drugi pa RootsInSession floor, kjer bosta ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
At Bazen, we will almost literally take you to London's Wembley, which is hosting the final of the most prestigious club football competition, the UEFA Champions League, on May 25. We will take care of the transfer on the biggest screen around, the diagonal will measure an incredible 6 meters! Yes, you read that right, 6 meters or 236 inches or 600 cm. ...
New at Bazen, and not only at Bazen, but also in Kranj! Have you ever thought, oh, where do these fine comedians get such good jokes? Have you ever thought, oh, this stand up looks easy, I could do it too? If you are, you are welcome to Bazenov Open Mic. As you've probably guessed, comedians aren't born, comedians are…
The first association that comes to mind when I hear the word bikini is Ursula Andress's white bikini or Dr. Well, Brazilian beaches and coconut balls.
Theater workshops // HISTeRIA festival 2013 international HISTeRIA festival - 18.7.-20. 7. 2013 ... at the crossroads of music, theater, visual arts and nature. For big and small culture enthusiasts. ...
Vintage Vikend kindly invites you to join us on the last Saturday of May at Hengarnica Brooklyn and visit the VINTAGE YOUTH FAIR, at which the following providers of vintage clothing and fashion accessories will present themselves this time: KostnVintage VikendBackyard ...
June 8, 2013 - an evening of urban fun with Big foot mom, Evil Eve and Lollobrigida. Big foot mama is definitely a synonym for rock on Slovenian soil. With seven studio albums, many hits such as 'Nisem mech s tabo', 'Led s severa', 'Črn tulip', 'Oklep', 'Neki sladkega', ' Come back to me'', ...
June 7, 2013 - evening of ethno atmosphere: Macedonian band FOLTIN The Macedonian folk-ethno-jazz band FOLTIN took its name from the main character of Karel Čapek's unfinished literary work "The Life and Work of the Composer Foltin". The independent Macedonian company FOLTIN sings in an invented language, their...
June 6, 2013 - Culinary evening: Tastes and experiences of the world: Brazilian cuisine The evening will be interspersed with world cuisine under the expert guidance of chefs from the Celje High School for Hospitality and Tourism. We will learn about the origin of food, its practical use in everyday life, recipes - little secrets of the great masters...
Join us on Thursday, May 16, 2013, at 8:00 p.m. for an evening dedicated to cuisine and culture. Our palates will be pampered by the flavors of Italian cuisine prepared by students from SŠGT Celje under the mentorship of professor Srečko Lešek. Menu: - Caprese salad with...