Lovers of fairy tales, welcome again! Also this Wednesday, February 22 at half past six in the afternoon, we invite everyone to our bookstore for a fairy tale hour. This time it will be a little different, as we will present the book The White Way, published by Kres publishing house in collaboration with Ljubljanski mlekarnami. Tina...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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The legendary bug – the Volkswagen Beetle has taken on a new look, which definitely improves on the past in terms of seduction. On Valentine's Day, February 14, we were also able to succumb to his seduction at an urban event within the framework of City Events, where we tested his...
What are treasures? Do they really exist? Are treasures a free gift from heaven or a reward for skill and courage? Come and join us on an adventure full of traps and trials, where we will meet and take on the roles of the most famous pirates: from Blackbeard to Jack Sparrow and Alwida and many ...
I want to see who's cooking and what I'm eating! I want content on the plate, not just color and shape! I want to know the recipe and know where the ingredients come from! I want to know the name of the dish and peek into the kitchen! Sound like the manifesto of a modern culinary freak? We can make ticks for each claim in the Exhibition, which has morphed like a snake...
A welcome novelty on our music scene is the group Evil Eve, which consists of singer and guitarist Eva Breznikar, guitarist Jure Golobič, drummer Matej Selan, keyboardist and computer wizard Matija Jašarov, bassist Dejan and guitarist Matej Pečaver. The band members are seasoned musicians who have been...
Glasbeni sladokusci in ljubitelji jazz in blues ritmov bomo tokrat prišli na svoj račun v prestolnici dolenjske regije. V klubu LokalPatriot bodo nastopili odlični Defunkt. Vrhunski glasbeni kolektiv je ustanovil pozavnist Joe Bowie pred več kot tremi desetletji. Že s prvim albumom na začetku osemdesetih so začrtali svoj ...
It's interesting what can happen when two former rivals join forces. In this case, the dynamic duo 2Cellos was born, which grew from a YouTube sensation to a success story. The Slovenian Luka Šulić and the Croatian Stjepan Hauser, cellists and former rivals, joined forces and made a unique performance of the well-known composition of Michael...
Obetata se nam dva odlična koncerta v sklopu enega dogodka. Iz sosednje Avstrije prihaja k nam v goste Parov Stelar, znan tudi kot Marcus Fureder. Svoje ustvarjanje je Marcus začel konec devetdesetih, ko je združil takrat nezdružljivo − house, jazz, swing, breakbeat, electro − v zanimivo mešanico, ki jo nekateri ...
Maya has been creating music since her early youth, namely in a genre that is chronically lacking in our home music. She collaborated with many musicians such as Murat & Jose, Jani Hace, Iztok Turk, Umek, Oto Pestner and many others. This time she will perform in a solo performance. She will present her biggest...
DJ Adrian Roy and DJ Eric Navarra will spin popular house music. Vocalist Dean on the Mike will make the party even more interesting. If we add to this the artistic choreography of the GoGo dancers, a well-stocked bar, superb visualizations and a great atmosphere, we have everything for the good...
The Clariart Clarinet Quintet chamber ensemble was founded four years ago. It consists of students and graduates of the University of Music and Visual Arts in Graz and the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. The members of the quintet are Jure Rogina, Evgen Celcer, Kaja Smogavec, Lovro Turin and Tomaž Močilnik. The repertoire is...
Lollobrigida nam bo predstavila težko pričakovani album Pilula in nam priredila nepozabno elektro pop disko zabavo z gosti. Nastopili bodo tudi Nipplepeople s Hrvaške. Album Pilula poleg pesmi Kompjuter, Bivša cura ter Sex on The TV, Sex on the Radio vsebuje tudi aktualni radijski single Malo vremena. Vsekakor lahko ...