Maroltovci vabimo na Dan odprtih vrat. Če se želite preizkusiti v ljudskem plesu in pesmi, se obleči v folklorni kostum ali izvedeti podrobnosti iz zakulisja največje slovenske folklorne skupine, prisrčno vabljeni! Pričakujemo vas v čim večjem številu! ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Pozdravljeni ljubitelji pisane besede in čudovitih ilustracij!
Naj vas spomnimo, da smo se v otroški knjigarni Kres pod gradom odločili, da slovenski kulturni praznik, ki ga obeležujemo 8. februarja, proslavimo na poseben način. V knjigarni, ki bo odprta po prazničnem ...
Lepo pozdravljeni mali in veliki ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 4.februarja, vas ob deseti uri dopoldan, ponovno vabimo v prijeten ambient otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom, kjer vam bo pravljičarka Jana Osojnik prebrala prikupno slikanico Ti je toplo Lile?
The Domžale student club will also try to wake up the city this year with its small but still important cultural festival called Days of Culture 2012! Days of culture will take place between February 15 and 19, where it will be possible toRead More
Sobota, 18. februar
10.30 MESTNO SREDIŠČE "NA ZVEZDI"CELJSKI PUST 2012VESELA PUSTNA POVORKAV sedaj že tradicionalni pustni povorki s katero kličejo pomlad in prinašajo pustno veselje med ljudi sodelujejo učenci OŠ Lava skupaj s svojimi starši. OŠ Lava ...
... as part of the Days of Culture 2012! Tuesday, February 7, 5:00 p.m. CELJSKI DOM – Krekov trg 3 DAYS OF CULTURE 2012 FREE PUPPET SHOW FOR CHILDREN: HEY, THIS IS MY BELLYDramatization and direction: Damjan M. TrbovcGuests: Skratovo kulkovno theater CeljeChildren! Check out...
The fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen, who wanted to be an actor, novelist and playwright, but became one of the most popular authors of children's fairy tales, is a story about two friends, a story about finding the lost half, about forgiveness, redemption, love and ...
Three clowns bring a tricycle with a large box onto the stage, a small stage is created from the box, hand puppets come to life on it, and during the breaks, the clowns skillfully cover up the scene changes with fun spots. The Lighter is the story of a Soldier who goes to the city to see the wedding of a Princess and has a good time on this occasion. His path crosses...