
Lighter (puppet show for children from 4 years old, 40 minutes)

Three clowns bring a tricycle with a large box onto the stage, a small stage is created from the box, hand puppets come to life on it, and during the breaks, the clowns skillfully cover up the scene changes with fun spots. The Lighter is the story of a Soldier who goes to the city to see the wedding of a Princess and has a good time on this occasion. His path crosses...

Important information
Small Stage LGL, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4,5 €

Three clowns bring a tricycle with a large box onto the stage, a small stage is created from the box, hand puppets come to life on it, and during the breaks, the clowns skillfully cover up the scene changes with fun spots. The Lighter is the story of a Soldier who goes into town to see a wedding
Princesses and feasted on this occasion. Coprnica crosses his path and the Soldier gets an old lighter and gold coins, which Zmene brings to him. He is left with a miraculous lighter: whenever he lights it, the Dog appears and makes his every wish come true.

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