V Ljubljano prihaja skupina Atari Teenage Riot. Kultna skupina, ki je imela razburkano glasbeno pot, je pustila do zdaj neizbrisen pečat v glasbeni zgodovini. Njihove koncerte so mnogokrat spremljali politični neredi in protesti, pogosta nesoglasja članov ter tragična izguba člana Carla Craiga pa so igrali pomembno vlogo v pisani ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
V Novi Gorici bo veselo, saj bomo lahko praznovali Magma Oktoberfest. Zvezde večera so fantje skupine Big Foot Mama, ki vedno poskrbijo za odlično zabavo. Ogrevala nas bo skupina Rock Prešern, Vasco Rossi bo poskrbel, da se bomo zavrteli ob zvokih uspešnic naših najljubših skupin, Corvus pa bodo nastopili ...
Attention jazz lovers in Slovenjske Konjice! We are looking forward to an evening of jazz standards, completely free of charge. With good company and a glass of beer in hand, we will be able to indulge in the seductive sounds of jazz music, which is sometimes mischievous, sometimes very listenable, sometimes experimental, but always interesting and...
Točno 24. septembra 1991 je izšel album kultne skupine Nirvana, ki je zaznamoval takratno mladino in osmislil gibanje grunge. Album Nevermind je prevzel vsakega in skupina Nirvana je postala glasnica takratne generacije. Ob dvajseti obletnici izida zgodovinske plošče bodo nastopili številni glasbeniki, kot so ...
Makako Jump are a ska-reggae party band that has been performing on the stages of Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Croatia and Slovenia for ten years. They already have more than five hundred performances behind them, where they played with groups such as BR Stylers, Africa Unite and many others. They were influenced by Elvis Jackson, countrymen Ska-j, the...
An interesting design and great photos, even though it's an ordinary compact digital camera? Clearly, they claim at Canon. Their answer is Power Shot Elph. An ultra-thin, beautifully designed and powerful camera is presented to us with 12x optical zoom, 12.1 megapixels and the HS system, which will help us with...
JBL has always been known as a guarantee of good sound, especially when it comes to speakers. But how does the MS-2 Pocket Digital Sound Processor fare? To begin with, the EISA award for the best innovation of the year 2011/2012 is a nice incentive. Well, even from the pocket sign, it is more than obvious that the MS-2 is intended for portable audio devices (iPod, ...
Boredom on short and long trips can now be banished with the new Philips portable Blu-ray player PB9001. It provides entertainment wherever we are, be it on the train, in the plane, in the car, on the weekend, at the campsite or even at home. The PB9001 Blu-ray player boasts a 9-inch...
The Samsung Galaxy S II won the 2011/2012 EISA Award as the winner of the smartphone category. With four new Samsung content and entertainment centers, the Galaxy S II brings exceptional mobile experiences with direct access to music, games, books and magazines, as well as social networks. ...
Elegance, boldness? Watch, bracelet? At first glance, it is definitely a stylish bracelet that transforms into a watch with a touch-sensitive screen, just by turning the smooth surface or lightly touching it. The clock, alarm and stopwatch functions are easily navigated by sliding on the digital screen. Clock management...
Cisco has recently introduced a refreshed line of Linksys E-series wireless routers. The new line of five routers (E1200, E1500, E2500, E3200, E4200) provides everything you need for a reliable connection to the wider world. They will come to their account both more demanding and less...
But maybe the beginning of autumn will be perfect for a new laptop? Why not. Toshiba's L655 model is an exceptional multimedia notebook with a superior design and elegant appearance. It has all the multimedia connections (HDMI, WLAN, Bluetooth...) that we need to seamlessly connect our devices. To whom 39.6 ...