Kavarna Srčkovka is a pleasant club, which this time will be dressed in the sounds of fiery flamenco guitar, from under the fingers of a special person. You're welcome, you won't regret it... * * * Pablo Guevara is a unique guitarist who will introduce himself to us with original compositions of fiery flamenco, which he...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The YA HOZNA Project: The Music Of FRANK ZAPPA is an exclusive music event that evolved from a core of four coastal musicians called JazzLessNess. * * * Their author's journey began with the demo Let's Play (2007), which was followed by a concert album...
The legendary Lokal Patriot from Novi Sad will host a special person on its lovely terrace, who will bring a nice dose of flamenco to the capital of Dolen on this evening. Welcome, you won't regret it! * * * Pablo Guevara is a unique guitarist who will introduce himself to us with original...
Nismo se spoznali, da bi se pozabili. Spoznali smo se, da bi ostali prijatelji.
Razstava Se spomniš? je zgodovinjenje neformalnega, osebnega, intimnega življenja Mednarodnega mladinskega pevskega festivala. Je tisto poglavje v knjigi, ki ni napisano. Je mozaik zgodb. Tistih, skritih očem večine. Tistih, zapisanih v ...
"The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain", May 29, 2011, in Ljubljana's Križanke