V petdesetih letih so se naši starejši in mladi arhitekti in drugi ustvarjalci z novim optimizmom za nove razmere lotili snovanja pohištva in interierjev, keramike, tekstila, kovine, stekla, nakita, grafičnega oblikovanja, fotografije, scenografije in kostumografije. V kratkih desetih letih so na sijajni podlagi ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! On the Slovenian Valentine's Day, on St. Gregory's Day, we at the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom decided that this Saturday's fairy tale hour will be held in the sign of love. As usual, the chosen fairy tale will be read this time at ten o'clock by the storyteller, Mrs. Jana...
Če se zavedate pomena okoljevarstva, energetske učinkovitosti objektov, gospodarskega potenciala in varčevanja, ki je s tem povezan, se udeležite predavanj na temo nitkoenergetske gradnje, ki jih organizira Zavod KlimaDom in sicer: Read More
This time, Rockline chose the album Chicago V. You are invited to...
A mega party of student bands, where a diverse mix of musical styles will be on stage with Exactly that, Radiator, The Fappers, Nubira and Smokin' Blue. The concert will be followed by a DJ...
IMPROLIGE MARATHON MaestroA game of sixteen players, which eliminates the weakest links through the disciplines. The contestants are divided into four groups that slowly fall apart, fall apart and transform until they…
BULDOGI GROUP CONCERT The legendary punks will be joined on stage by Black Dynamite and Drunken Brides. The concert will be followed by a DJ program. ...
The Salonski group will open the event. The central event of the festival, where visiting bidders (Lucija Čirović, Rok Kušlar, Miha Brajnik,...) will bid on the winning photos of young photographers and three portraits of people who will be willing to pay the most, which will be made by Jože Suhadolnik,...
Opening of the MAKfest festival (youth altruistic culture festival) with the announcement of the winning photos submitted to the MAKfest photography competition. At the opening, the idea of MAKfest and the purpose for which it is organized will be presented. The winning photos selected by a jury of three professional...
The play FIZIKI - a grotesque criminal by Friederich Durrenmatt, performed by the students and professors of the Poljana high school and directed by Janko...