Oto Pestner, a legend of Slovenian music, will perform in Maribor. He will present himself to the audience of the Styrian capital with his new vocal group Pro Anima Singers. They will be accompanied by an excellent instrumental band, with which Oto Pestner regularly performs. The beginnings of his musical career date back to the early 1970s...
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Eternal romantic, Dalmatian charmer, messenger of the human heart... Of course, it is Oliver Dragojević. Hits such as Nadalina, Vjjerj u ljubav, Jedina, Bez tebe, Cesarica, Galeb i ja and many others delight listeners of all ages. He will perform in Ljubljana with his faithful accompaniment...
An excellent Slovenian choir that ventures into the interesting and naughty world of jazz music. Under the artistic direction of Tomaž Kozlevčar, he impresses with a varied program and unusual singing. They certainly liven up the scene wherever they perform. This time they will cheer us on in...
We are expecting the premiere of Dvořák's lyrical fairy tale in three acts. The musical direction will be in the hands of the Czech conductor Tomáš Hanus, who recently conducted Rusalka with great success at the Bavarian National Opera in Munich. The title role will be played by the Russian soprano Tatjana Monogarova, who became famous as Tatjana...
In Murska Sobota, Edo Maajka will present his last released album entitled Spomen ploča, which contains all his greatest hits from the past four albums. Edo re-recorded the old hits with a great funk band, with new arrangements and...
The Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra is also preparing a traditional concert this year. We will welcome the new year to the sounds of famous operettas, waltzes and fast polkas. Under the baton of Emmanuel Villaume and with the strong support of soprano Theresa Plut, the orchestra will conjure up a classic festival...
The municipality of Bohinj organizes a New Year's concert of the Pop Design group in Bohinjska Bistrica. The group that created hits such as Potepuh, Ko si na tlele, Prajajam dom, Se zakraskan vate and many others, will entertain us for a long time in...
The fascinating production was originally intended for a one-time event commemorating the three hundredth anniversary of the city of St. Petersburg, but it has grown into a permanent show that fascinates the world. The show's choreographer Konstantin Rassadin, after a successful career as a ballet soloist at the Marin Theater, managed to unite a team of brilliant...
Pretekli Božični turneji smeha v letih 2008 in 2009 sta se izkazali za izredno uspešni in tako je prireditev postala stalnica. Letos nam bo postregla s tremi zabavnimi zgodbami o medsebojnih odnosih. Šef šefica govori o medsebojnih odnosih na delovnem mestu, Ona+On postavlja pred nas težave v zakonskem ...
Petindvajsetčlanski zbor bo nastopil s klasičnim božičnim programom iz zakladnice avstrijske in svetovne zimzelene božične glasbene literature. Uro in pol trajajoča priložnost, da ponovno podoživimo praznično vzdušje ob svetovno znanem zboru, ustanovljenem pred stoletji za cesarski dvor. Danes ga seveda gostijo ...
World Freefight Challenge je za konec leta prihranil najbolj zanimivo listo borb. Spektakel bo gostil 10 velikih borb, v katerih bomo priča spopadom borcev težke kategorije, K-1 borb, povratkov, novincev in še marsičesa, kar postavlja WFC na mesto najbolj priljubljenih in poznanih borilnih dogodkov. Slovenska K-1 zvezda in ...
We probably remember the cult DJ for the slightly daring name of the energetic parties in Ibiza F*** Me I'm Famous, with which he shook up the house and trance scene. This time we can hear him a little closer, when he will open the Arena in Stožice for electronic parties. In the two decades that David Guetta has been active in the music...