Po petih letih se na slovenske odre znova vrača N'Toko. Izdal in predstavil nam bo svoj tretji solo album v slovenskem jeziku, ki nosi naslov Parada ljubezni. Izredno močna besedila, katerim dodaja lastna videnja globalne okolice, so njegov glavni adut. Svojo psihološko, družbeno-moralno perspektivo je spretno pomešal ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Zoran Predin, star in prekaljen maček slovenske glasbene scene, pripravlja že petnajsti tradicionalni koncert za zaljubljene. Koncert, ki ga je poimenoval kar Ogrlica uspešnic, bo sestavljen iz uspešnic, ki so zasedale prva mesta glasbenih lestvic. Spremljala ga bo že uigrana skupina The Gypsy Swing Band, kot gost pa ...
One of the most popular bands of the 1980s, the legendary Blue Orchestra, returns to Slovenia after two sold-out concerts in the Tivoli Hall. As part of a large regional tour, they will perform in Maribor after ten years. The group was founded in Sarajevo as part of the Nju primitivs movement, which also included...
After a decade of absence from the stage and when the boys of the Zmelkoow band were already given a rock funeral, now, following the global trends of reunions, they are returning to the original trio lineup from the early nineties of the previous millennium. Drummer Damjan, Žare and Gogo will revive the hits of one of the most...
Bartolo ''Buddy'' Valastro, manager of Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, inherited his knowledge of baking cakes for all occasions from his late father. On the new continent, he is considered one of the most innovative and currently the most sought-after bakers who never turns down a challenge. His sweet…
Režija: Brillante Mendoza. Igrajo: Gina Pareño, Jaclyn Jose, Julio Diaz, Coco Martin, Kristofer King, Dan Alvaro, Mercedes Cabral.
Družina Pinada v razpadajoči hiši, ki je hkrati njen dom, vodi kino, v katerem prikazujejo pornografske filme. Vsak član ima svojo zadolžitev in svoje probleme. Nanay ...
Directed by: Rashid Masharawi. Cast: Mohammad Bakri, Areen Omari, Nour Zoubi. A unique example of political satire imbued with sophisticated irony that reveals the confusion, frustrations and absurdity of living conditions in modern Palestine. Since the state does not have enough money to pay the judge's salary, Abu Laila becomes...
Kynodontas, Grčija, 2009
Režija: Yorgos Lanthimos.
Igrajo: Anna Kalaitzidou, Aggeliki Papoulia, Hristos Passalis, Christos Stergioglou, Mary Tsoni, Michele Valley.
Oče, mati in njuni trije otroci živijo v odmaknjeni hiši z visoko ograjo. Otroci odraščajo daleč stran od vplivov ...
Directed by: Ciro Guerra. Cast: Marciano Martinez, Yull Nunez, Agustin Nieves, Erminia Martinez, Jose Luis Torres, Justo Valdez. Filmed in the picturesque locations of northern Colombia, the story of a traveling musician embarks on his final journey to return the accordion to his teacher. Along the way, join him...
Directed by: Alvaro Pastor, Antonio Naharro. Cast: Lola Dueñas, Pablo Pineda, Antonio Naharro, Pedro Alvarez Ossorio, Consuelo Trujillo, Daniel Parejo. Thirty-four-year-old Daniel is the first European with Down syndrome to successfully complete university education. After...
In Playa, we learned about the smoking culture. The representatives of the Vodna Pipa company impressed us with a novelty in Slovenia - shisha catering, which they use to brighten up socializing at various events. We smoked shisha of first-class quality and...
A bottle with a mysterious message was found in the museum. Only the solutions to the complex riddles will reveal the secret code that Albert wanted to hand over only to the brightest and most learned. However, how to unravel the mystery? Nothing easier than that! We will be helped by a watchful eye and the ancient records that it hides within its walls...