One of the most common causes of a child's disturbed sleep is certainly blocked nasal passages. The child will breathe easier and sleep better if we make sure that his nasal passages are open and the sensitive nasal mucosa is sufficiently moistened. It is for this purpose that Nivea Baby recommends 100% physiological, sterile saline...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The puppet show produced by Zavod KULT is about Tink, a very special boy who puts on only one pair of trousers and one sleeve, one pair of socks and one shoe in the morning. He only brushes the top half of his teeth, drinks only half a glass of milk and only makes it halfway to school. Tinka Polovinka only sees half the world...
S pregrešno dobrimi palačinkami so nas razvajali Mojstri Za Palačinke,ki so specializirani za peko palačink na dogodkih. Sočne palačinke so dodatno obogatili s številnimi okusnimi nadevi in popoldne v Playi je bilo popolno. Za urbane ritme so skrbeli HOUSE FM, Music ...
Green cars - and we don't mean the color - are a market niche, and every manufacturer that puts its own foot forward has its own nature-friendly solution. We also tested Volvo's current contribution to a cleaner environment – the S40 1.6 DRIVe. The label tells us that it is a "green car"...
The Mini is a unique vehicle in itself, but when the company's management gives its designers "free rein", even more unique concepts are created. This is also the Mini Beachcomber Concept, which "flirts" with off-road. The newcomer combines a four-wheel drive system with innovative technology...
January in the automotive industry is spent in the spirit of the International Auto Show in Detroit, where factories showed the world the first novelties of this year. Among the more interesting innovations is certainly Volkswagen's study of a sports coupe, which they called the New Compact Coupe, and as such...
In the style of the fashion industry, outlet stores have also opened in the automotive industry, more specifically, Nissan Slovenia is opening its first automotive outlet. Unlike fashion outlets, we will not buy cars from past seasons there, but current new models. "Nissan outlet is our new brand, with the help of which...
Slovenska podružnica Toyote je decembra lansirala posebno različico svojega najmanjšega vozila IQ Wannabesociety Edition. Posebna izvedenka IQ je nastala z aktivnim sodelovanjem s slovensko blagovno znamko, ki je znana predvsem po svojih enostavnih, a sporočilno močnih majicah. Plod sodelovanja je ...
Running camp is an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with your family or friends. The common thread is common training sessions of various levels of difficulty, from training sessions suitable for beginners to training sessions for experienced runners. Training sessions are led by experienced running experts. With...
Mesec zdravega nasmeha omogoča brezplačne veterinarske preglede ustne votline pri kužkih. Akcijo organizira v sodelovanju z veterinarji Pedigree, cilj pa je opozoriti na vse bolj zaskrbljujočo problematiko ustne higiene pri psih. Akcijo Mesec zdravega ...