An interesting custom has developed in Tržič, the essence of which is joy over the coming spring. On the eve of St. Gregor's Day, shoemaker's apprentices used to float handmade houses with lights down the river. With this, they celebrated the arrival of longer...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
What is quality of life in your opinion? The quality of living is living in harmony with the surroundings and largely depends on our view of...
US Navy Lieutenant Pinkerton marries the geisha Chocho san during a stopover in Japan. Chocho san gives him her heart, renounces her religion and adopts Western customs. But Pinkerton must return to the sea. After three years...
Italo Calvino, one of the greatest writers of the last millennium, also wrote a very simple story about a king who is afraid of losing his throne. So that no one takes it from him, he sits on it day and night and thus protects it. Because because of...
Croatian director Oliver Frljić, who last year impressed audiences in Ljubljana and other European audiences with the Rijeka performance Turbofolk, will collaborate with the Slovenian stage for the first time. We can expect a radical approach to...
The Ljubljanica embankment between Ribji trg harbor and Čevljarski most has already established itself among the inhabitants of Ljubljana and its visitors as an open-air gallery that brightens up a walk along the river for passers-by. This spring we will be colored by the works of Dunje...
The comedy festival of amateur theater groups has been established in six years as an event that brings to its stage eight of the best comedies of the past year performed by amateur theaters from all over Slovenia. Every Friday and Saturday until the 28th...
Enjoying cuisine, in addition to good food, means above all socializing. With this in mind, the City Magazine team, in cooperation with selected partners, prepared the City Chef - City cooking academy project. In the Elementare salon, we are the last...
Po službi se vedno prileže prijetno druženje s prijatelji in sodelavci ob dobri glasbi, pijači in prigrizku. Tako smo preživeli še eno očarljivo popoldne v Playi in se kljub vsakodnevnemu urbanemu vrvežu povsem sprostili. S pijačo dobrodošlice in prigrizki nas je razvajala Playa, z glasbo didžej Spinne, prijetno ...
Se še spomnimo polemik o ljubljanski sramoti na Prešernovem trgu v Kavarni Tromostovje, katerih smo bili deležni pred časom?Glasbena agencija GIG je bila pozvana, da situacijo popelje na višjo raven, vredno eminentne lokacije in prestolnice nasploh.
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Aleks Volasko, 18 letni pevec, ...
Se še spomnimo polemik o ljubljanski sramoti na Prešernovem trgu v Kavarni Tromostovje, katerih smo bili deležni pred časom?Glasbena agencija GIG je bila pozvana, da situacijo popelje na višjo raven, vredno eminentne lokacije in prestolnice nasploh.
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Gordana Buh je leta 2008 z odliko ...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje, which we were part of some time ago? The music agency GIG was asked to take the situation to a higher level, worthy of an eminent location and the capital in general. Three great jazz acts will perform first...