Catch my rhythm, Everything still smells like her, Read my lips, Godine prolaze, Vrijeme ljubavi, U prolazu, Autumn u me, When she touches me, Shine in my eyes, I watch her while she sleeps, My song is a lie, Damned Sunday is just something of the greatest hits of the group that marked the musical history of the eighties in the area...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Catch my rhythm, Everything still smells like her, Read my lips, Godine prolaze, Vrijeme ljubavi, U prolazu, Autumn u me, When she touches me, Shine in my eyes, I watch her while she sleeps, My song is a lie, Damned Sunday is just something of the greatest hits of the group that marked the musical history of the eighties in the area of our former...
On the occasion of their fifteenth anniversary of musical creation, the Rožmarinka will co-organize a concert with a greater meaning and message - a concert with a humanitarian note. Many guests will perform, such as accordionist Janez Dovč, clarinetist Jurij Hladnik, guitarist Marko Mozetič, singer Ana Dežman and many others. The concert will offer...
Let's listen to Mats Gustafsson on saxophone and electronic inputs, Per-Ake Holmlander on tuba, Dieb 13 on gramophone, Kjell Nordeson on vibraphone and Eric Carlsson on drums and percussion. They will show us their view of modern Swedish...
The Women's Day concert is called Slavic Soul, Slovenian Heart. Together with Manco, two outstanding musicians will perform: jazz pianist Blaž Jurjevčič and violinist Benjamin Izmajlov. Her repertoire includes everything: from musical pieces to classical music pearls, from folk songs to popular songs and...
René Lacaille is the master of the hot-blooded sega rhythms of Réunion, a volcanic island paradise in the Indian Ocean. The charming accordion player in his mature years will present the new album Cordeon Kameleon. His music has been described as chanson-inducing, rum-soaked music backed by boisterously infectious dance…
Gunpowder is considered to be the invention that may have had the most fatal impact on human history in the last half-millennium. This time we will learn how hand-held firearms developed from the late Middle Ages to the 20th century. We will present the intermediate stages of development with interesting specimens from the collection of the National Museum of Slovenia - from...
JAZZ RAVNE: MIA ŽNIDARIČ quartet: Mia Žnidarič - vocals, Steve Klink - piano, Milan Nikolič - bass, David Jarh - trumpet. On Thursday, March 18, 2010, we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Jazz Ravne program! Who to invite to such a special day, if not the best - Mia Žnidarič. ...
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In the Šentjakob Theater some time ago, we had the premiere of the play Tičja kletka, which is far from just a play about a gay couple who owns a transvestite club. It is a "sad comedy", a "cheerful drama" or a "comic melodrama" that offers much to entertain and even more to think about. Under the tutelage of...
Pust nas ni pustil ravnodušne do krofov. Privoščimo si jih lahko katerikoli dan v letu, zato je en dan po pustu na poslužbeni zabavi v Playi zadišalo po svežih in sočnih krofih Tvojih 5 minut. Sladkali smo se, uživali ob dobri glasbi in se sproščali po napornem ...
V Playi smo se razvajali pred Valentinovim. Privoščili smo si sproščujočo masažo rok z dišečimi olji in se popolnoma prepustili izkušeni maserki iz enega najlepših slovenskih wellnessov Harmonije Mengeš. Srečni nagrajenec je dobil darilni bon za romantično razvajanje v ...