We have sailed into the new year and now is the right time to have affirmations ready to inspire us
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
If you have the feeling that your feelings are not returned (or to the extent that you would like), you should pay attention to this.
Which astrological sign is the most compassionate, which is the most physically attractive, who is the most loyal, and who is the true romantic?
Society often says that love alone is enough to make a lasting connection. And people believe. What about affection? What about respect?
Horoscope reveals whether your ex thinks of you: who cries for you and for whom you no longer exist?
Do you think your ex still thinks about you?
Your friends and family have probably told you about some "facts" about the human body, or you've even read about them online. Maybe you believed them or not, but these are the most common misconceptions that have spread among people for some reason. Check below which seven misconceptions about the human body are most often "sold" to us.
What is karma? The word karma is of Sanskrit origin and means "action". This is the equivalent of Newton's law which states, "Every action must have a reaction."
These are 7 signs that will help you identify the person with whom fate connects you!
Numerologists believe that we can predict our love destiny with the help of our date of birth.
When thinking about reconciling with your ex or ex, remember the five most important things!
It's been almost two years since the legendary German fashion designer and visionary Karl Lagerfeld left us, but his works and thoughts on fashion live on.
Find out which sign you are according to the African horoscope and what it reveals about your future!