
These are signs that the man of your dreams is just not that perfect

Photo: Bridgite Jones

There are many fairy tales and movies that teach us about how you simply know that you have found the prince of your dreams. You look into his eyes, bells start ringing, clouds part, chests rise and suddenly you just know: this is true love.

On the other hand, many times this dream man that we have drawn as such in our head may just not be so perfect. Surely one of his habits annoys you and drives you to despair. And decide beforehand that you want to spend the rest of your life with him, you have to see for yourself. Therefore, check whether you have chosen the right one.

1. He doesn't want to meet your friends

These are people who are afraid to completely surrender to someone. If your dream man refuses to admit that you have friends, relatives, your past, inner life, job and other things in life that make you who you are, then a relationship with him is pointless and dangerous. If you're dating someone who claims to be busy every time you ask them out and who aren't ready to meet your friends and family, then just turn on your heel and walk away.

2. What is hidden behind a perfect appearance?

By this we mean secrets, unfinished or unfinished obligations and other neuroses that disarm the "perfect" gentleman and suddenly he becomes a complete average person. Sometimes we can see these signs at the beginning of a relationship, but unfortunately we rarely notice them.

3. No sense of humor

No matter what, the perfect person for you can only be someone who enjoys your company, laughs at your jokes and doesn't take himself too seriously. When you catch such a person, it will be easier to overlook any shortcomings and mistakes.

Photo: Bridget Jones

Love is a year-round game. Request care, time and attention. It involves compromise and relies on good communication. But love, when it's really love, can also be very simple. If someone doesn't make you happy, don't be afraid to let them go. Better to be single than with someone who doesn't deserve your love.

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