Appearance is the first thing that attracts a man. However, he secretly pays attention to some other features and details.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
An emotionally mature and strong woman has confidence in her partner, so she will not allow herself to demand things from him that exceed the limits of common sense.
Age difference should not play any role in your happiness. However, this is not really the case, as research has shown that age difference is an important pillar of a relationship.
Are you interested in which astrological sign, according to astrologers, are the people born with the biggest egos? Of course, we do not claim that this applies to all those born in these signs, as the character is often influenced by the subsign in which we are born.
Hotel Lišanj is an eclectic mix of family-friendly hotel and history, which makes it a truly ideal choice for a family vacation in Novi Vinodolski.
One thing is certain: when a strong woman says goodbye, she will never come back.
Head to romantic Rovinj, where the unique Veštar mobile homes await you, perfect for a family getaway and carefree vacation.
We all think that love is a complicated thing. But basically, just two simple tips will help you to find out if this is the person who will be with you for the rest of your life.
Most of her life she had to rely on herself. And still do. Unlike any other woman, she knows how to take care of herself and does not depend on anyone. She built walls around her heart higher than the tallest skyscraper. And she made sure that only a real, authentic person who would see her in her most vulnerable form would destroy them.
Believe it or not, science has revealed how many times a week of bed activity is enough to make a happy couple.
Some find their love very soon, while the rest try again and again, but in the end they just don't find the right person. And THESE are 6 astrological signs that always choose the wrong partner.
Loyalty often puts our partner relationships to the test. But if the stars are in your favor, you have no problem with that.