
Everyone falls in love three times before finding true love!

Three loves always come into our lives. But each one happens for its own reason. See which loves are already behind you and which ones may be yet to come.

1. First love

Our first love happens when we are young, usually in high school. This is idealistic love, the kind that seems like a fairy tale we read to children. We enter it with the belief that it will be our only love, so it does not matter if it is not quite right - we are ready to 'devour' many things for it, because deep down we believe that this is love.

In this kind of love, what others see is more important than what we actually feel ourselves.

Usually, first love happens at an early age.
Usually, first love happens at an early age.

2. Second love

Our second love is 'tough love', the one that teaches us about who we are and how often we want or need to feel loved. This is love that hurts us either through lies, pain or manipulation. We believe that we make different decisions than we did with our first love, but in truth we still choose the kind of love that will teach us something.

Our second love can become cyclical, we often repeat it because we believe it will end differently this time - but each time it ends worse. Sometimes this is unhealthy, unbalanced or narcissistic. There may be emotional, mental or even physical abuse and manipulation, possibly even major drama. This is what keeps us hooked, as it is an emotional roller coaster of extremes. When we are on the ground, we expect the best.

With this love, we try our hardest, because it becomes more important to us than it really is.

With this love, we try our hardest, because we think it is stronger than it seems.
With this love, we try our hardest, because we think it is stronger than it seems.

3. Third love

The third love is the one we don't expect. The one that looks completely wrong to us and destroys all our ideals that we have been holding on to. This is the love that comes when it simply seems impossible. It is a connection that cannot be explained or undone as it turns our world upside down.

When we meet a person, we just belong together, and there aren't even ideal expectations of what that love should be like. There are also no ideal expectations of how that person should behave and no pressure to change for that person. We are simply accepted as we are.

It is love that knocks on our door, no matter how long it takes us to answer.

The third love knocks on the door for a long time and finally accepts us exactly as we are.
The third love knocks on the door for a long time and finally accepts us exactly as we are.

Maybe we haven't or won't experience everything. Maybe we're not ready, or maybe we have to to learn, what is love, before we can understand it. And it may take us a lifetime to learn that lesson.

Then there are those who fall in love once and passionately live their love until their last breath.

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