
Do you still remember these legendary Yugoslav sweets of our youth?

Photo: Retroteka FB

Today, the choice of sweets is huge, and conscious mothers can also reach for healthier ones. But there is Facebook group Retroteka, into which we regularly like to peek and remember some of the moments of our youth. The latter reminds us of the sweet moments that marked our childhood. Think you remember them?

Children's sweets of our youth

In the past (and even today), some desserts were part of the inventory in, for example, the houses of our grandmothers. The little glass bowls of 505 candies, the cookie boxes that almost never contained the original cookies, or the coffee bean candies we regularly avoided as kids. Ice creams that we ate with pleasure after playing on the playground or cycling, or Kinderlade and Kraš, the brands that characterized breakfasts. Store visits weren't complete unless we got a box of Wow-Wow candies.

Take a look at the gallery, refresh your memory!

Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB
Photo: Retroteka FB

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