Most people find correcting grammar mistakes and agonizing over possible spelling mistakes to be extremely unpleasant and often rude. And even scientists have shown that people who correct others' grammar mistakes are less pleasant.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
Whether money is the ruler of the world or not is a matter of debate - even more so is the question of whether such dominance of money is not bad for our society and ultimately the earth - but we can certainly say that the world of many individuals largely revolves around money. Some people, however, have "unsettled accounts" with money. These are 5 pathological money problems that may require professional help.
Sometimes we think of playing games as a completely benign pastime - and in many cases, that's true. Video games are not only a bad influence, they can also be beneficial in many ways. However, like anything in life, if overdone, they can have a very bad effect - both on us and on our relationship. In the article below, we present to you 5 ways to deal with a partner who is addicted to video games.
Writer Ehud Lawski and illustrator Yael Nathan create comics that completely surprise us with their twist at the end. We present to you three of their new creations. The video galleries below feature scary comics with a surprising twist. Read them carefully and at your own risk!
What is love? What is infatuation? These two concepts are quite difficult to understand and define. Everyone interprets them in their own way. The question of whether you are in love or in love is still crucial, because the difference between these two concepts, even though they are elusive to operationalization, is still huge!
Psychologists have long been interested in whether there are any significant differences between people based on where they are in the birth order. And various researches have discovered many interesting things.
For many people, traveling is the greatest pleasure in this world - whether it is done alone, with friends or with family, a new world opens up for each person in a foreign environment, and above all, they get to know themselves. And one of the better experiences is definitely traveling as a couple, but why is a vacation with your partner one of the key things for every relationship?
Even if our enthusiasm for new shoes is too great, they almost always make us bitter to the point that we regret buying them for at least a month. How to prevent annoying blistering, rubbing and unpleasant smell of shoes in time?
When we are sad, we frown, and when we are happy and joyful, the corners of our lips move upwards. And this connection also works in the opposite direction – by consciously and intentionally laughing, we can affect our emotions and become happier, even if we may not feel like it at the moment. It looks like science has discovered the formula for living a happier life - laugh!
When you realize you're falling in love with your best friend, the realization can be accompanied by feelings of surprise and fear. What if something goes wrong? What if he/she doesn't feel the same? Is it really about falling in love? Is friendship worth risking? On the other hand, there may also be sparks of excitement: What if this is going to be one of the better relationships of my life? Here you can read what no one tells you about falling in love with your best friend.
In this article you can read how to take responsibility for your life. 10 sensible tips that may help you to make your life fuller and richer. After all, we only have one life (in all likelihood) and it is important to devote it to personal growth and to becoming better people.
How we think and where we direct our energy and attention also largely affects what things we will prioritize, what we will even notice, who we will give a chance to. All this also logically affects what our life will actually be like. Here we present to you two ways of thinking that have a significant impact on our lives.