There is no doubt that the holidays are one of the best parts of the year for most people. This does not apply to new parents. Going to the sea or skiing with small children can often be even more tiring than living in a settled daily routine. This is precisely why it is important for mothers to take a vacation just for themselves - without children. In society, there is still a remnant of the stigma that a mother should not leave her young child alone, especially not for something as selfish as a vacation. Psychologists advise taking a vacation without children.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
Empathy is the ability of an individual to put himself in the shoes of another and understand his perspective. Broadly speaking, empathy is divided into cognitive and emotional parts. Empathy probably evolved as an evolutionarily meaningful tool for the preservation of the human species. Man is a social being and it would be very difficult for him to survive alone. Among other things, empathy allows us to come to each other's aid. Empathy quotient tells us whether we have high or low empathy compared to other people. The answers to these 7 questions will tell you how empathetic you are.
A recent study found that the emotion of disgust is likely to be related in some way to the physiological feeling of nausea. Furthermore, researchers have shown that the feeling of disgust is directly involved in the formation of our moral judgments - that is, whether an action is right or wrong. And how did they discover it? With a set of experiments involving ginger! It turns out that ginger has an indirect effect on our moral judgments.
Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's probably better to suffer through it than to be heartbroken because you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you.
Beauty ideals change over time and space, but how important they are to us is somewhat less so. In this article, you can see a list of 10 bizarre things that were done in the past to look better. Such a journey into the past can perhaps shed light on the absurdity of certain modern ideals of beauty.
Despite the fact that our tastes differ, scientists from various fields have discovered what characteristics draw us to other people. These eight things should make people gravitate towards you like a magnet.
You respect the principles of people who don't want to share personal items with you, but you also learn to stand up for yours. You can't share everything with everyone.
The perfect man only exists in our imaginations, and on average, some types of men are more desirable than others! Scientists have found what is what we can call perfection.
Under the weight of a patriarchal society, it quickly happens that women apologize for things they have nothing to apologize for. Do you do the same?
Rare things are what they seem. The same applies to humans. In any case, our perception of reality is subjective and influenced by a wide variety of things. This can already be seen through the phenomenon of taste - some people like tomatoes, others hate them; some people love the color green, others find it excessive. The fact is that we process objective reality in different ways. Some people, however, are more changeable and flexible than others in how they present themselves to others. Here we present 3 astrological signs that are not what they seem and can deceive us with the first impression.
You don't need to make a scene about every little thing, but if your love does certain things that cut into your heart, it could be a sign that your relationship is in danger.
Every now and then we find ourselves in a period when we are sure that we will never find true love again, because a deep connection with another person is not something that is destined for us. Here you can read 6 reasons why you think you will never truly love again and why you are wrong.