The promotion of individualism and excessive solitude have led many people to complete isolation. To the point where he has everything yet nothing at the same time. Some individuals help themselves with professional help, but these are some of the tips from therapists on what to do when you feel lonely.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
There is never enough coffee. But if you put it in a flourless cake, you can even eat it on its own without thinking about the calories. With these ingredients and simple preparation, you will convince even those who cannot even smell coffee to indulge in this sweet sin.
The sisterly bond can be so strong that you judge each other whether your new partner is a good catch or not. But with the arrival of new love in life, the sisterly bond often breaks down, because you want to spend as much time as possible with your loved one. If you're ever in doubt about when to put your sister before your partner, here are some moments when time spent with her will be worth its weight in gold.
There are only a few who dare to say that they have enough money and that they honestly do not need more than they have. Although money is by no means the most important thing for personal happiness, a certain quality of life is a necessary prerequisite for achieving personal goals. In the article, you can read the list of 24 rules for success of the true legend of Wall Street, Richard Jenrett.
Attractiveness is based on many foundations - and appearance is only one of them. To a large extent, people also attract us because of the way they behave, the energy they give off, the small details that make them unique, and the feelings we experience in their company. In the article you can read what are the non-physical things that attract your partner according to his astrological sign.
Since dating has moved online, we've returned to a similar way of choosing a partner as it was in the days of arranged marriages. He quickly misleads us into choosing our cupids based on their height, facial features and, above all, their references - where he studied, what books he reads and what promising job he has. However, this quickly leads to a trap: just because someone makes a good impression on paper, doesn't mean they're right for you. You can read why this is so in the article.
Even though flowers are blooming and birds are chirping around us, spring also has its dark moments. Some will feel the dark side of beautiful May more intensely, while some will be spared. For which three astrological signs May will be the worst month and why, you can read in this article.
Restaurants have long been about more than just cooking meals and filling empty stomachs. Many restaurants are a place of fun, socializing and new experiences. We present to you 13 restaurants where food is not the main attraction.
Nowadays it is taboo to show your anger. It is precisely because of the excessive suppression of anger that we occasionally encounter excessive outbursts of rage. Neither of these extremes is the right path. It is best for us and for those around us to know how to express our anger constructively. However, some will never change. If you encounter a person who has frequent tantrums at work or among colleagues, you can help yourself with the tips in this article on how to deal with people who are angry with you.
Between May 24 and 26, 2018, the 34th international festival Druga Godba 2018 will take place in Piran and Ljubljana. In the central part, 15 famous musical names will be presented: among others Ibeyi, James Holden & The Animal Spirits, Kokoko!, N' Toko, Olfamošto and many others. Tickets are already on sale.
You don't go to the beach without it: this is the pillow for you according to your astrological sign
The mercury in thermometers has risen to such a height that we can already carefree soak in the sea, swimming pools or lakes. Get all the essentials for a perfect water experience, especially the pillow that's right for you according to your astrological sign.
Considering this year's cold and long winter, we can hardly wait for summer. In order not to miss a great opportunity, it is important to plan your vacation several months before your vacation. In the article, we have prepared some ideas where you can travel. You can see 6 top tropical villas that you can rent and enjoy carefree.