Old souls, a term we often hear but often don't understand. These are individuals who can often be characterized as old at heart, old in thinking and soul. These people are often isolated from the rest of the world and internalize their lives. They mostly have a more mature view of the world. And a kind of different wisdom emanates from them. They don't chase material things and don't need to prove themselves to the world.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
Not everyone can simply say "I love you", even if they like to hear it. And this shortest and most powerful sentence gives these signs serious headaches.
When you want to be passionately loved, when you want that others can't live without you, that they have to devote all their time only to you and put everything else on hold - that's not love, that's selfishness!
You will be able to know without a doubt that Cupid's arrow has hit you by the signs of falling in love, which we list below!
How to be happy if you are alone, or how to be happy to be alone?
This is a question that is being asked by countless people around the world. Your mind has a thousand reasons why this person is bad for you, why it won't work out, all the danger alarms are on - run! But for some unknown reason, her heart wants him badly, badly. So your head chooses the safer option, your heart wants to take the risk.
These are 10 kissing styles that will make a woman run away!
This is a good partner, this is someone who sees something more in you than just external beauty. This is someone who won't walk away when the going gets tough, someone who will be honest and loyal and will love your difference.
True love is much more than lust... and you can tell by the way he texts you. It is only up to you to decipher and define them.
Glasses, which used to be a necessary evil, are now what give faces an air of intelligence that makes men simply charismatic..... Ladies, stop drooling!
Do you want to be fit by summer? Then you need to include the plank exercise in your exercise routine. Why? It requires little time, but at the same time we can achieve visible results in a relatively short time. If we do the plank exercise every day, we can be fit until summer!
Men will never tell you everything. They will tell you only a few of their hidden sexual fantasies, others they may be ashamed of. Which ones give him the most headaches?