Do you wake up at the same time every night? You might not even notice. In traditional Chinese medicine, in acupuncture and acupressure, meridians or 'energy' channels have been used for thousands of years. These are connected to our natural rhythm and provide energy to certain parts of the body. And depending on what time you wake up at night, your body tells you certain physical and emotional problems you may be experiencing. And therefore, waking up at these hours should not be ignored in any way.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
What influences a person more - genes, environment or the interaction between the two - is a question that we have been trying to answer for a long time, and in many cases we are still quite far from the correct answer. For certain characteristics, we at least partially know where they come from and what influences them the most. In the article, you can read about the characteristics that are written in our genes.
Menage Life, an organization for "sexually open people", has recently unveiled its ambitious plan to break the unofficial world record for the "largest orgy in human history".
There is something about "stock" photos - as soon as you see them, you recognize that this is the type of photo. When you see these "stock" photos of different professions, you will hold your head.
Although these habits are instinctive and we all have them, they are said to have positive health effects.
Everyone has always said that motherhood is a magical journey full of rainbows and butterflies, but these moms have captured the brutal truth of what motherhood really is.
They probably don't know how important it is to spend some time with your partner before bed - whether it's an hour or a few minutes, the key is to enjoy each other's company and do the things that all happy couples do before bed.
These days it's all about the highly-anticipated British royal wedding - fans are already anticipating the fateful day, companies are already creating products and services inspired by the event, and enthusiasts have pushed the boundaries of creativity with this one-piece bathing set that can be fully worn this summer lights shine on the beach.
Each person adjusts how much sleep they need to function normally – some need a lot, others less, but scientists say you're more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety or depression if you sleep less than eight hours a night.
Science says that hugging benefits a person in various ways, and those men who like to spoon each other are also said to be better partners.
If you'd like to tickle your fancy, check out a series of hot illustrations for ultra-naughty couples.
Love sometimes hurts, and you will see for yourself if you blindly believe in fairy tales - these are the 3 most common illusions, which may cause absolutely every relationship to fail.