
There is just one small detail that will make your day better

There is just one small detail that will make your day better.

When you were a child and in a bad mood, angry or sad, your mother often sent you outside for fresh air and sunshine. You returned home in a good mood and smiling. Why did the advice work?

Every day is different, once you feel fantastic, the second time you are without energy, will to live and powers. Science says there is

a small detail that will always make your day better. DAYLIGHT! Yes, it sounds simple, but light can make a big difference in your mood.

Consulting company Future Workplace has polled more than 1,600 North American workers on what they look for in their perfect work environment. Many people mentioned things like babysitting services, a fitness center, and coffee shops, but among the things they wanted most were access to natural light and a view of the exterior. 47 % respondents said that they do they feel tired if they lack natural light, 43 % reported them on the feeling of gloom created by the lack of light.

A small detail that will always make your day better - DAYLIGHT.
A small detail that will always make your day better - DAYLIGHT.

There is also considerable evidence of the human need for exposure to natural light and its positive effects on well-being. In the research from Cornell University, Professor Alan Hedge surveyed hundreds of office workers. Some worked in buildings with greater access to natural light, while others worked in less well-lit environments. He found that they were workers who were exposed to natural light, kept vigilance and had better reports of good vision and absence of headaches.

And why natural light is so good for you?

Scientists say you should be exposed to natural light, regardless of whether you are in the office or not, or whether or not you are exposed to light at work. Exposure to the sun helps the body, yes it makes the natural form of vitamin D, which is important for many metabolic processes and can affect the health of your bones and muscles, is for Accesa Labs doctor told Elite Daily. If you spend most of your working day in dark, it is good to take a walk in natural light at least for 15 minutes.

Fresh air and sunshine will do some good.
Fresh air and sunshine will do some good.

Martin Reed, founder of Insomnia Coach, emphasizes that natural light is extremely important for your body's natural sleep/wake cycle. No access to natural light the body has a harder time regulating the sleep/wake cycle. Natural light, especially in the morning, tells the body it's time to wake up, Reed explains. More than that, he said light helps you get through the initial inertia of sleep (the sleepy feeling you have when you wake up from a deep sleep).

Exposure to natural light as soon as possible can also be achieved by go for a morning walk or simply sit near a bright window while eating breakfast. So follow your mom's advice that she gave you years ago: fresh air and sunshine will surely do some good.

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