April 1st, also known as April Fools' Day, is just around the corner, which means you'll finally be able to pull off the prank you've been planning all year. However, if April 1 accidentally caught you off guard, we have prepared a set of ideas for how to treat a friend, colleague or loved one in a happy way. We do not condone the destruction of property, but everything else is fine. "Game on!"
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
Oops, it happened. The high school diplomas in English and mathematics were leaked to the public - subjects that most of us wouldn't rank among her favorite school subjects. The poles were prepared for the spring term of graduation 2018. You can find the poles in our gallery.
Some people do not know shame and thus publish their childhood photos without any hesitation, which will make you laugh uncontrollably. Read on, with this you will have already done exercises for the abdominal muscles today.
Who says science is boring? Scientists have recently discovered that coconut water can be injected into the body intravenously and that the Mona Lisa actually had eyebrows. The world will never cease to amaze us - check it out for yourself!
It's easy to feel insecure in today's society. We are repeatedly 'attacked' with ideas about the perfect body, success, the right age for marriage, etc. Impossible standards really cannot be counted on the fingers of both hands. Although we all have moments when we feel insecure, some of us are simply better at defying the 'cancer' of modern society. And these are astrological signs that know no uncertainty.
A good mother is not only strong for herself, she also makes her children strong.
The strict gender orientations that have defined men and women for years are on pretty shaky ground, according to a new study. According to this study, there are no 100% heterosexuals.
In the old days, European women fainted because of too-tight corsets, and Japanese women could barely walk because of bound feet. But if we thought that fashion trends that are not the most recommended for health are a thing of the distant past, we were very wrong. Even today, women sacrifice their health in order to be as attractive as possible and keep up with fashion trends. If we care at least a little about our health, let's quickly get rid of the eight 'unhealthy' fashion items below...
Do men really know what women find most attractive about them? Muscles, tattoo, smile, hairstyle? A group of men tried to get inside the women's heads, who tried to guess whether the women found the man in the photo attractive, based on the presented photo, which had already been evaluated by the women. It's an experiment by Dating Beyond Borders, where they tried to find out what physically attracts women to men and what men think women find attractive to them. Do they have a male distorted image? Check!
Numerous studies have shown that many women subconsciously decide after thirty seconds of being with a man whether he is suitable for a relationship with her or not. That is why cues for winning over girls, or winning phrases with which men address a woman, are even more important. Sometimes men spend hours trying to break the ice, but surprisingly, sometimes a simple sentence like: "What kind of pizza do you prefer?" is chosen by the girls themselves as one of the most effective introductory sentences. Guys, would you think something so very simple ignites? Here are 43 others who are also "igniting".
Who has the fish is an Einstein riddle that only 2 percent of people can solve. The claim that it is a riddle by Albert Einstein is a bit far-fetched, since some of the cigarette brands mentioned in the riddle did not exist when he was growing up (he is said to have written it as a child). Anyway, the logic puzzle, which is not his name, is therefore no less difficult, and you only need to think logically to solve it, since it does not contain any tricks. Now see if you can figure out who has a fish and if you belong to an elite group of people or not.
Have you ever missed a train or a meeting? If not, you definitely have a friend or acquaintance who is always late - it's just in their nature. For some individuals, keeping pace and time management is simple and does not require a lot of energy, while for others it causes great difficulty. Inaccuracy is indeed undesirable in modern cultures, but it can show some good qualities. Let's say: people who are late are more successful.