
This forces us to betray our partner: at this age we most often cheat

Based on detailed statistical analyses, scientists have scientifically proven the age at which most fence jumps occur.

And it has been proven that the most of jumping over the fence occurs in the last year of the completed decade. So at 19, 29, 39, 49... That's when people often think more about their lives.

According to research IllicitEncounters.com, which is the UK's leading online dating site, the years ending in a nine are considered a pivotal moment in people's lives. Age is especially risky 39 years old, which in people's minds is a key age where certain things in life need to be achieved and when life really just begins. This risky age is followed by old age 49 years and only then 29 years old.

The research was conducted on a sample 1000 individuals and got some more amazing data. Among other things, as many as 18 percent more people created a profile containing the number 9 when they reached the age of majority. Also, their activity is significantly higher compared to others.

This is box title
– An opportunity arose – 54 %

– Boredom in bed with current partner – 46 %

– Meeting ex or ex on social media – 28 %

– Desire for change – 22 %

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