Feng-Shui cleaning for the new year? The New Year is approaching, and what better way to welcome it than with a Feng-Shui home cleaning? In this article, we show you how your home can shine with new energy in just two hours!
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
Entering the new year brings fresh hope and new possibilities. Astrology predicts that the four zodiac signs will experience key changes in their careers in 2024. If you are one of them, get ready for an exciting journey to new professional challenges. These are signs that will change jobs.
Do you believe that your astrological sign affects your eating habits? We investigate which three signs most often gain weight. So - 3 zodiac signs that are prone to increased body weight!
Cheating is a complex and often painful phenomenon in love relationships. The reasons why people cheat are varied: from boredom to seeking attention, but the common denominator is often dissatisfaction with the current relationship. People are looking for what they lack at home, be it emotional connection, passion or understanding.
When we stick our hand into a bag of chips, the real drama begins. No, it's not just a snack; it's an epic battle between taste and common sense. Have you ever tried to stop this irresistible force? Join us on a journey through the labyrinth of chipomania, backed by scientific facts! So - why can't we stop eating chips?!
Are you tired of fighting stubborn mold in the grout lines of your bathroom? We've discovered an incredibly simple yet extremely effective trick that will remove mold without expensive cleaners or laborious scrubbing. Read how you can solve this unpleasant problem with a simple home remedy! Eliminate mold from joints!
Are you wondering how to read those unspoken words of love in a man's body language? No need to wait for sweet words because his actions can tell you more than a thousand words. Let's delve into the subtle but powerful signs that a man uses to communicate that you are truly in his heart. So - 7 ways of body language that reveals that he loves you
Have you ever found yourself in front of a pile of crumpled clothes, wondering how to make the time-consuming and tedious task of ironing easier? The answer may be hiding in a kitchen drawer, specifically a roll of aluminum foil. This unusual but extremely effective trick, which quickly went viral on social media, promises flawlessly ironed clothes without the use of an iron.
Have you ever wondered why some people have everything going like clockwork? Perhaps the answer lies in the stars, specifically the Chinese horoscope. Find out which signs have luck written in the stars! Are you born into the luckiest sign of the Chinese horoscope?!
These are the most difficult zodiac signs to catch! In a world where love stories often lead the way to the altar, there are exceptional stars in the astrological sky who prefer to pave their way in independence. Join us as we explore three zodiac signs that transcend conventional love paradigms with their free-spiritedness and unbridled independence. These are the hardest men to catch!
Can the first letter of your name say a lot about your character? Imagine you're at a party where the only entry requirement is knowing what the first letter of your name says about your character. Imagine a man who introduces himself as "I'm Tom, T as 'I'm currently searching for my lost confidence between these letters'". Or "Hello, I'm Emily, E as 'I'm experimentally looking for my fortune in horoscopes'". Yes, you heard that right, dear readers. If you thought your names were just random strings of letters your parents chose because they sounded cool or because they were popular in the 80s, then you're wrong.
Fast defrosting of frozen meat?! Have you ever forgotten to take meat out of the freezer and were in a hurry? Worry no more! In this article, we present to you some amazing tricks on how to defrost meat quickly and safely, without losing quality and taste. Read on and change the way you prepare meals!