We know many different varieties of watermelons. It is the most common variety with a pink-red core and dark seeds. But if we really want to choose that ripe and tasty and juicy watermelon, it is good to follow the above tips. These tricks will help you choose between red and sweet watermelon.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
The summer heat has arrived in the city. Evenings can be spent socializing at summer festivals, and we can enjoy the latest and greatest films of this summer. Many long-awaited films will finally be released in July and August, as the premieres were postponed several times due to the coronavirus.
If you are preparing for a vacation, it is very important to properly prepare for the long drive and the heat. Follow the tips below to make your ride as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
Sweet, salty, filled pancakes are an extremely popular dish around the world. Experts do not know exactly when this type of dish was created, but they assume that it is rooted in the distant past. They are said to have started to be baked already in ancient Egypt, as they were used to worship the gods, the pancakes are round and are said to be a symbol of the sun.
The first half of the year brought to our screens quite a few new horror films and sequels to those cult ones that had us chained to television and cinema screens some time ago. This way, you will be able to watch the long-awaited sequels, which will shock you with their plots.
The refrigerator can be your friend if you know what you can eat in the evening so that it does not show in kilograms. However, to avoid the feeling of overeating and possible stomach problems, it is important to choose wisely what you will eat in the evening. If you can't resist looking in the fridge before going to sleep, here are some dishes recommended by experts that you can eat without a guilty conscience. It is important, however, to eat dinner about three hours before going to bed and not to overdo it with the amount of the meal.
Mosquitoes are one of the biggest annoyances of summer. While some are their eternal target, others are almost invisible to these bloodsuckers. Why do they attack specific people?
Relationships between a younger man and an older woman are not uncommon. A man who had an experience with an older woman probably remembered it as one of the best intimate adventures of his life. Because it brings a very special charm and satisfaction. Here are the reasons why many younger men say that sex with mature women is so hot.
Summer is the time when we can take a break and relax. It is also the time of summer parties, when we chat and have fun in pleasant company and while listening to selected music. But did you know that you can consume quite a lot of calories by drinking cocktails? That's why we've made a selection of cocktails with the fewest calories for you.
Spending the summer without air conditioning seems impossible these days, but if our grandmothers and grandfathers managed to do it every summer, there's no way we can't either.
Summer brings with it some beauty problems. These micro tricks are so amazing that you just have to know them!
Feng Shui means wind and water. The Chinese have always associated it with health and abundance. It is an ancient skill that is more than 5,000 years old. For many, feng shui is extremely important in decorating the home.