When people are unhappy, it's much harder to be around them, let alone work with them. Unhappiness drives people away and creates a vicious cycle that prevents you from achieving all that you are capable of.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
Men, sometimes 'press' any button other than the one below.
These are the new 2021 series coming to small screens in May.
Unspoiled nature, peace, clean air and genuine contact with the animals that live on the property await you in the embrace of the Triglav National Park. Welcome to Alpine Homestead.
The Internet is a treasure trove of knowledge… if you ask the right questions.
Sladkor vas pravzaprav ne naredi hiperaktivnih Znanost je dokazala, da “zadetost” od sladkorja ne obstaja. Vaši straši so si to izmislili. (Čeprav je študija iz leta 2007 pokazala, da konzervansi v sladki hrani lahko prispevajo k hiperaktivnosti otrok.) Po jedi vam ni treba čakati, da greste plavat Ta mit izhaja...
All you need is imagination and skillful hands!
Have you also "fallen" on one? Let's see what bizarre alternative truths are circulating around the world!
Self-awareness is an individual's ability to accurately perceive and be aware of oneself, which can sometimes be difficult. Some people are overrated, others are underrated, and very few are exactly what they think they are.
Discovering new and interesting destinations is always exciting, and one such place waiting to be discovered is Zavratnica Bay, one of the most beautiful bays on the Adriatic coast.
We have known for a long time that Croatia has a handful of wonderful places that are worth visiting. With the arrival of spring, which shines in all its splendor, we spend more and more time outdoors and use the day for excursions.
Every individual can be nostalgic for his childhood, youth, successes, first love. We very much remember the times when the store shelves were not so full and many sweets were a real new experience.