
Do you think about this person before going to sleep?

What does it mean and what do you actually feel?!

Photo: Joel Valve/Unsplash

"The night is for us to see our dreams and the day is for us to make those dreams come true." - Roy T. Bennett

Turn off the lights and get under the sheets. Let your head sink into the pillow and your eyes close in the darkness. What comes to mind? Could it be a memory or a place? Could it be a person? Someone who often pops into your mind before you fall asleep and even appears in your dreams?

You feel a special, aching longing for someone, and you secretly want to know if that person feels the same way. In those moments, just before you slip into the peaceful embrace of sleep, this person sneaks up and preys on your thoughts and imagination.

Wondering if she ever thought of you the way you think of her? Wondering if there's any chance you'll ever fall asleep in her arms? Your mind is firmly anchored in the present moment as you absorb its presence and fall asleep completely content.

Someone who pops into your mind so late at night, when there's nothing left to distract you, when your mind is free to settle down and browse and review the things in your life, must really mean a lot to you.

How do you feel about her? Ask yourself and be honest in your answer. How would you feel if you knew she felt the same way about you? Chances are, when you start asking yourself these kinds of questions, your heart starts beating faster and you feel butterflies in your stomach. You think there is no way she feels the same way. Don't assume, because even if he feels the same, you can't know.

You can never tell her how you feel. You don't want to accept this love me or love me not game. You don't want to risk being rejected by the person you like and feeling even more alone.

Someone who pops into your mind this late at night is truly special.

You are just a dreamer and she is just a dream. That's all, and that's enough for you. It is better to keep this person as a pleasant dream that you can continue to enjoy than to wake up to the disappointing reality of not being able to look at them the same way.

If you don't risk it, you don't need to find out. No one can ever reject you. You can continue to think about her before you go to bed, safe in the knowledge that you never have to know what it feels like to be rejected.

Is it better to cross out love or not to love at all? Do you take risks knowing that everything can fall apart? The choice is yours. But remember, life is short and nothing lasts forever.

Of course you can love in secret. You can hide, avoid risk, and never have to experience what it's like to be rejected by the person who stays on your mind in your most vulnerable moments. But one day you will die. What would you regret then? That you didn't dare to take a risk?

Life is an adventure to be embraced, not a problem to be solved.

No matter how you watch your heart, you end up going down the same path as everyone else.

Playing only the card of certainty, without disappointments and pain, is an illusion. You can't avoid the negative parts of life. And if you never try and take risks, you'll never achieve the things you dream of, and you might regret it someday.

So, take a risk. Show yourself, don't hide. Who knows... maybe that person you think about before you fall asleep is thinking about you.

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