John McLaughlin, one of the key and most important jazz guitarists of modern times and the founder of the jazz fusion quartet The 4th Dimension, is coming to Kino Šiška on November 11, where he will present his current album "The Boston Record".
JoinedJune 17, 2014
Music, fashion and art shorten the days; open-heartedness, open-mindedness and open hands invite everything new, good and beautiful, which is sometimes written on paper, and sometimes drawn. Feet on the ground, head in the clouds.
The Kodak Pixpro SP360 Action Cam promises to see and experience the world in a whole new light. It's designed to capture everything you love to do. Recording 360° and HD video in one should satisfy the need for other digital cameras.
Last Tuesday, the winners of the Wildlife Photographer award were announced in London, including three veterans of National Geographic magazine. The competition, this time hosted by the British National History Museum and BBC Worldwide, recognizes the excellence of nature photography at its core.
The American music artist and punk rock diva Patti Smith will extend her current European tour into the fall and, as part of a new cycle of concerts, will also be a guest in our neighborhood, namely on December 5th she will perform in Vidmo, Italy, at the Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine.
You're probably also pressed for time and don't have time to cut your hair or trim your beard. With the Shortcut app, this problem is significantly reduced. This one offers direct contact with the stylist, who then arrives at the desired location and cuts or shaves you.
You have a ticket and a glass of beer in your hand. All you have to do now is wait for the band to hit the stage. How does it feel backstage? What does a band think before stepping into the spotlight? And what do they think after the performance, when sweaty and ruined from the great show they just gave you, they finally catch their breath? All this was perfectly combined by photographer Tom Oldham in the ON/OFF photo series.
The terms "networking", "chatting" and "new people" are a nightmare for introverts. We live in a world that is too difficult to be extroverted, and sometimes this presents a real challenge to maintain an active social life and still find enough time for ourselves. Here are 10 tips that will help even more extreme introverts find a way to keep themselves and at the same time become more socially active.
The Radius V2 is a popular, ultra-lightweight, minimalist and unconventional aluminum frame for the iPhone 6 and 6 plus, affectionately dubbed the "bikini iPhone". It is also available for iPhone 5 and 5s.
Man is a being who creates history and cannot repeat his past, nor can he forget it. It should not be written with prejudice and it is necessary to give the view of both sides, even when it is only one side. And if some people think that history is actually little more than a list of crimes, follies and human misfortunes, rare historical photographs deny this.
Imagine being able to take Siri, Google Now, or Cortana out of your smartphone, put it in a box, and plug it directly into an electrical outlet. Actually, there is no need. The Canadian company UCIC has developed Ubi, an assistant for homes and offices. This allows you to ask questions and commands that are carried out with the help of WiFi in your home.
People like to look at the most innovative, smart and beautiful products. These are the ones that we all want somewhere at home, on the shelf, if not because of the functionality, but certainly because of the beautiful design. We have selected 21 of the most beautiful and, of course, ones for every taste, which are available for purchase on the Internet.
It often happens that we put more tasks on our schedule than we can do in a single day. But this cannot and should not be an excuse for constant lateness. If messages like "I'm five minutes late!" regularly sent from under your fingers, then see what you can do to finally be able to be punctual.