
Post-it® Plus App: Share and organize ideas while they're still hot

The Post-it® Plus application will save your meeting ideas and allow you to write down new ideas, organize them and share them with everyone anytime, anywhere.

Brand Post-its companies 3M served a new application Post-It Plus. The app captures your ideas, concepts, projects and plans and digitizes them, which makes the team work even faster and smarter. With the ability to capture up to fifty Post-it notes at once, it lets you work anywhere and thereby maintain the dynamic even outside the office.

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Each note is stored separately, easy to move and edit, and gives you the same control you would have if you were standing in front of a flipchart. You can have your own "board". share with the whole team with a simple touch, and members can participate from anywhere. The Post-it Plus app can create a shareable note that you can export to PowerPoint, Excel, Dropbox, PDF and more.

The application can for free upload to Apple's trade.

Check out the Post-it® Plus app in the gallery.

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