People born under these three signs are very cautious when it comes to entering into lasting love relationships.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
What is your pet's super power? Have you ever noticed her strange positions and sounds? Cats have special powers. Throughout history, they have been known to be associated with the spirit world.
What are Aries in love like, which signs get along best and which ones should be avoided, read below.
The very word retrograde reminds us of something negative, stagnation, blockages, broken plans, etc. You may have heard of the astrological story of Mercury retrograde, which can turn everything upside down, but it's much more complex than that.
Did you know that by April 80 % not all New Year's resolutions are fulfilled? Why? Because breaking bad habits is hard work. It requires both commitment and action.
Dear mother, thank you for giving me life with my father. Thank you for always being there somewhere for me. Mom - I love you to the moon and back. And of course you, too, dad.
What does a relationship look like after cheating?
A new relationship can be both scary and exciting. You finally find someone you enjoy spending time with and start to worry about doing something wrong. A mistake that will end the relationship before it really starts.
People are not just good or just bad. Even the best have dark places, weaknesses, qualities they are ashamed of or afraid of. Even in the worst, there is something good that is able to give back and contribute, nurture and build. Nobody and nothing is black and white.
When you face difficulties in life, sometimes you lose momentum, you lose the will to keep trying. You become numb. Nothing is ever as hopeless as it seems and you are not as heartless as you think you are. Never stop trying no matter the circumstances.
Do you want to have nice firm skin on your décolletage? You don't need beauty treatments, but do this massage for flexible and elastic skin - every day! You won't regret it!
Have you ever felt the pressure from those around you, especially from those closest to you, that you have to find someone, your soul mate, to be with him for the rest of your life, so that you won't be alone, right?