Sometimes you know you've outgrown the relationship you're in. You may recognize that moment when you leave a love that no longer serves your growth and development, that pulls you back, hurts you, or that you no longer find anything in it that would keep you in the relationship.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Everyone knows how to kiss, no doubt about it. Some are still better kissers, while others are much worse. There are three signs that many describe as - bad kissers. Are you among them?
Life lessons are sometimes hard to learn and we repeat them, and as long as we repeat them, it means we haven't really learned them. So what happens is that you enter a relationship and ignore the warning signs, hoping that the person will improve so that your love can improve them. But that won't happen.
I never needed to say this, but thank you for breaking my heart.
Most of the time, many stay silent about things that annoy them so as not to hurt their partners. But some prefer to be brutally honest. Which ones do you belong to?
It's easy to fall in love with what's out there. It's easy to fall in love with the idea of being in love or with someone's personality. It's easy to fall in love when everything is beautiful and perfect. The real challenge is to fall in love with someone's soul, with the very essence of their soul.
Does he like me or not? Why doesn't he tell me those two words? Is it that hard? Why bother with these words, let his actions count. Those two words are worth nothing if the person doesn't respect you.
Although women and men are equal, there is still a gender gap in earnings. This means that men generally earn more than their partners. But how does it affect the relationship when the opposite happens?
There are only happy couples around you, around them you feel insecure and so alone. You seem unlucky in love. You go from date to date and one is more boring than the other. Are you wondering when you will finally find your soul mate?
Have you been hurt by someone you loved? Maybe their words hurt you and you don't know how to forgive them? Are you haunted by their actions and decisions that hurt you?
Did you know that your house number also has a numerological meaning? How to understand the numerology of your home?
Do you like everything under control? Want to know exactly where your partner is? Do you have trust issues? Never guilty of anything? If you are in a bad mood, is it the fault of others and not you? Do you recognize yourself in these questions?